May 30, 2023

This release of the Cloudera Data Warehouse (CDW) service on CDP Public Cloud introduces these changes.

Azure AKS 1.26 upgrade

The new kubernetes version 1.26 has breaking changes; thus, starting earlier workload (Impala, Hive, Hue) versions is not supported, and this option is now disabled. In this release 1.6.4-b161 (released May 30, 2023), when you activate an environment, CDW automatically provisions Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) 1.26. To upgrade to AKS 1.26 from 1.6.3 or earlier, you must backup and restore CDW. To avoid compatibility issues between CDW and AKS, upgrade to version 1.26.

Using the Azure CLI or Azure portal to upgrade the AKS cluster is not supported. Doing so can cause the cluster to become unusable and can cause downtime. For more information about upgrading, see Upgrading an Azure Kubernetes Service cluster for CDW.

Azure AKS managed identity now mandatory

You must now specify a user-assigned, managed identity for the Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster when you activate the Azure environment from the CDP CLI in 1.6.4-b161 (released May 30, 2023). In 1.6.3 (released May 5, 2023), specifying the managed identity is also mandatory when you activate the Azure environment from the UI. A managed identity is required because AKS does not support certificate authentication for service principals. The cluster creation operation will fail if the userAssignedManagedIdentity is not set to your managed identity.

New Backup/Restore CDP CLI commands

The following CDP CLI 0.9.87, including Beta DW CLI commands are available and support backing up and restoring CDW: