You can configure Hue properties that are not directly exposed through the Cloudera
Data Warehouse (CDW) web interface by specifying them in the Hue's Advanced Configuration
Snippet called hue-safety-valve for a Virtual Warehouse. These configurations are stored in the
hue.ini file.
Log in to the Data Warehouse service as DWAdmin.
Go to the Virtual Warehouses tab, locate the Virtual Warehouse
associated with Hue, and click .
The Virtual Warehouse Details page is displayed.
Go to the Configurations tab, select Hue,
and select hue-safety-valve from the Configuration
files drop-down menu.
Specify the custom configuration properties in the space provided as shown in the
following examples:
For AWS:
access_key_id=<access key id>
secret_access_key=<secret access key>
region=<aws region>
For Azure:
client_id=<client id>
client_secret=<client secret>
tenant_id=<tenant id>
fs_defaultfs=abfs://<container name>@<storage account>
webhdfs_url=https://<storage account>
Click Apply Changes.