February 29, 2024

This release of the Cloudera Data Warehouse (CDW) service on CDP Public Cloud has the following behavior changes:

Change in value for the hive.map.groupby.sorted property
Before this release:
The value of the hive.map.groupby.sorted property was set to 'true'.
After this release:
The value of the hive.map.groupby.sorted property is changed to 'false' to disable optimization. The change was introduced to address data correctness issues noticed in query results on tables with CLUSTER BY and SORT BY.

For more information, see HIVE-27876.

Change in the upgrade and rebuild functionality
Before this release:
CDW provided the following three options to upgrade and rebuild Database Catalogs and Virtual Warehouses: Rebuild with same image version, rebuild with new image version, and upgrade.
After this release:
The KeepImageVersion option that was displayed when you rebuild the Virtual Warehouse has been removed. The rebuild operation preserves the image version and only redeploys the pods. The upgrade operation updates the CDW entities with the latest image version.