December 19, 2023

This release of the Cloudera Data Warehouse (CDW) service on CDP Public Cloud introduces these changes.

Upgrade your Virtual Warehouse to get the new CDW Runtime 2023.0.16.2-1 (Dec 19, 2023), which makes the following changes:
  • CDPD-48059

    Unable to view and access S3 buckets from Hue configured with RAZ in CDW Public Cloud. For more information, including how to get this fix, see Fixed Issues for December 19, 2023.

  • DWX-16923

    Fixes upgrade problem starting Hive Virtual Warehouse after upgrade.

  • DWX-17088

    Addresses memory issues by disabling collection of KUBE-EVENTS for diagnostic bundle.

  • DWX-17097

    Corrects metering problem causing overcharges.


    Populates several Grafana panels that were empty.

  • DWX-17111 IMPALA-12486

    Missing database and table count metrics now appear in Grafana. For more information, including how to get this fix, see Fixed Issues for December 19, 2023.

  • IMPALA-12580

    Fixes Iceberg exception when queries from Impala filter predicates.