Custom tags in AWS environments

You can apply Virtual Warehouse-level tags and tenant-level custom tags to monitor, search, or filter on the key tag or key value in your AWS account.

Use the Virtual Warehouse-level tags to search and monitor the Virtual Warehouses within your environment. You can apply Virtual Warehouse-level tags even after creating the CDP environment. The tenant-level tags can only be applied while creating a new CDP environment. The CDP environment custom tags are propagated to the compute instances within CDW.

You can identify and monitor the following resources within the Cloudera Data Warehouse (CDW) service for AWS environments:
  • Compute instances in Hive and Impala Virtual Warehouses with tenant-level and Virtual Warehouse tags

  • Compute instances in Druid cluster with tenant-level tags

  • AWS S3 buckets

  • Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) volumes for EC2 instances used for compute pods with Virtual Warehouse tags. You cannot tag EBS volumes for EC2 instances used for shared service pods.