Monitoring Kubernetes Services from Grafana

You can monitor the Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) or the Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) used by your Cloudera Data Warehouse cluster from Grafana.

You can also monitor the Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) from the Cloudera K8s dashboard.
  1. In the Welcome screen, click grid , and then select Manage.
    A list of dashboard groups appears:
  2. Click the kubernetes dashboard group.
    Names of the kubernetes dashboards in the group appear:
  3. Click the Kubernetes App Metrics, and then select a namespace, for example cluster, and container, for example a container named cdp-coredns-updater.
    View a graph and metrics of the number of pods.
  4. View the CPU usage per pod.
  5. On the right, view the memory usage per pod.
  6. From the kubernetes dashboard group, click Usage Report Overview, and see the active nodes on the X axis of the Active Node Count graph.