July 26, 2024

Review the issues fixed in this release of the Cloudera Data Warehouse (CDW) service on CDP Public Cloud.

DWX-15859: Issue backing up and restoring Workload Aware Auto-Scaling (WAAS)
You could not use the CDW backup and restore process to restore the WAAS configurations and you had to manually recreate your Virtual Warehouse by setting the right configurations. This issue has been fixed.
DWX-17620: The folder having special characters in its name is not accessible in ABFS
Earlier, creating a folder and then performing an action such as Move from a Virtual Warehouse going to the Azure Blob Filesystem (ABFS) caused an “404 Client Error: The specified path does not exist” error. This issue has been resolved.
HIVE-28006: Incremental rebuild accuracy for materialized views
Optimized the accuracy of representing incremental rebuild availability for materialized views containing aggregate functions in their definition query.
HIVE-27775: Fix for partition metadata fetch issue during DST shift
Fixes fetching partition metadata from Hive Metastore using Java Data Objects (JDO) by timestamp now does not provide incorrect results in daylight saving time (DST) shift in partition pruning.
HIVE-27924: Materialized view rebuild issue with delete operations
Addressed data correctness issues when rebuilding a materialized view incrementally in scenarios involving delete operations in one of its source tables. This is evident when the materialized view definition query includes joins and aggregates.
IMPALA-12809: Metadata query problem from Impala
When querying metadata from Impala on a cluster with more than a few nodes, the query might fail with a null pointer exception.

The fix addresses issues noticed while querying metadata from Impala on a cluster with more than a few nodes. The change forces Iceberg metadata scanner fragments to be scheduled on the coordinator. A new flag is introduced in the TPlanFragment thrift struct and if the value is 'true', then the fragment is always scheduled on the coordinator.

IMPALA-12742: DELETE/UPDATE Iceberg table partitioned by DATE fails
Fixed data correctness issue by ensuring that Impala CatalogD is able to corretcly parse identity-partitioned DATE values.