November 20, 2023 Fixed issues

This release of the Cloudera Data Warehouse (CDW) service on CDP Public Cloud fixes these issues.

DWX-15859 Issue backing up and restoring Workload Aware Auto-Scaling (WAAS)
You can now use the CDW backup and restore process to restore the WAAS configurations. The issue related to restoring the WAAS configuration is fixed.
IMPALA-12233 MT_DOP issue
Impala query with JOIN and LIMIT no longer hangs when MT_DOP is greater than 0.
DWX-16275 Slow Data Scan on Azure for Impala Virtual Warehouses
The Impala Virtual Warehouse performance issue when using CDW Runtime 2023.0.15.0-243 - 2023.0.15.1-2 is fixed in this release 2023.0.16.2-1 (released December 19, 2023).
DWX-16825 Impala core-site configurations mutability issue
Hadoop core-site and the Hive site properties in the Impala Virtual Warehouse, previously immuatble, are now mutable. In the Impala Virtual Warehouse, click Options > Edit > Configurations. Search or scroll to the property you want to edit and change the value.
VIZ-2269 CDW Virtual Warehouse connection to Data Visualization error
The "not authorized to delegate" error caused by impersonation configurations no longer occurs when creating or editing the Virtual Warehouse connection. For more information, see Data Visualization release notes.
CDPD-61589 Problem reading a file downloaded from Hue on ABFS
Downloading a file from the Hue File Browser, which is configured to use ABFS, no longer causes file corruption. The problem caused by Hue reading 1 byte less for every 1 MB of file content fetched has been fixed. Hue now reads the exact 1 MB chunk size. There is no byte loss.
CDPD-61550 HUE ABFS browser listing limitation
The Hue ABFS browser is no longer limited to listing 5000 files maximum. You can list an unlimited number of files.