Setting up CDW to connect to COD

You configure your Virtual Warehouse to use configuration files you generated for connecting to COD.

  • You generated configuration files hbase-site.xml and hbase-cdw.tar.gz as described in the previous topic.
  1. In the CDW UI, in Overview, go to the Virtual Warehouses tab, select a Hive Virtual Warehouse, and click > Edit.
    The Virtual Warehouse Details page is displayed.
  2. Go to Configurations > Hiveserver2.
  3. In Configuration files, select hbase-site.xml, and copy the contents of the hbase-site.xml generated by the script you ran.
  4. Create a directory or use an existing directory on S3.
    hadoop fs -mkdir s3a://odx-weekly-test/cod--tddl6gutqgn9/jars
  5. Copy the hbase-cdw.tar.gz, which you also obtained from the script you ran, to that directory.
  6. In the Hive Virtual Warehouse > Details > Configurations > Hiveserver2, in Configuration files, select env and select the CDW_HIVE_AUX_JARS_PATH key.
  7. Set the value of the CDW_HIVE_AUX_JARS_PATH key to the path of the jar file.
  8. Go to the Query coordinator tab and select env from the Configuration files drop-down menu, and select the CDW_HIVE_AUX_JARS_PATH key.
  9. Set the value of the CDW_HIVE_AUX_JARS_PATH key to the path to the jar file.
  10. Click Save Changes and restart the Virtual Warehouse.