You can configure Prometheus in Cloudera Data Warehouse to push its
metrics to an external endpoint, such as Prometheus, Grafana, Thanos, or some other
For information about other receivers, see Prometheus documentation: Compatible senders and receivers. In this procedure you add a configuration snippet that triggers a Prometheus Remote Write. Prometheus then sends HTTP POST requests to the Remote Write endpoint to forward your metrics.
Cloudera Data Warehouse must run in an AWS or Azure environment.
In Environments, locate your Cloudera Data Warehouse environment.
and select .
In Metrics Forwarding Configuration, add the config and authentication methods for your endpoint in YAML format.
For example:
- url:
region: us-west-2
name: prometheus_remote_write
max_samples_per_send: 1000
max_shards: 200
capacity: 2500
Click Apply Changes.
This action updates the config map. The Prometheus pod restarts, so the new config takes effect.