Using AKS monitoring with Cloudera Data Warehouse in Azure environments

Cloudera Data Warehouse (CDW) provides an option to enable and leverage AKS monitoring in Azure environments. When you enable AKS monitoring from the CDW UI and select a Log Analytics workspace, CDW sends the log data to Azure Monitor Logs.

You can use the Log Analytics tool to edit and run log queries, and create dashboards and alerts from the log queries.

Required role: EnvironmentAdmin or PowerUser

Before you enable AKS monitoring on CDW Public Cloud, you must configure a log analytics workspace in your Azure account. See the link to Microsoft Azure documentation for this task at the bottom of this page.

  1. In the CDW UI, go to the Environments tab.
  2. Locate the environment for which you want to configure the AKS monitoring workspace.
  3. Click Activate to launch the Activation Settings dialog box where you can configure the environment to use an AKS monitoring workspace:
  4. In the Activation Settings dialog box, select Enable AKS monitoring.
  5. Click the drop-down list to select a workspace.
  6. Click Activate: