AWS EnvironmentsPDF version

Creating a tenant-specific Virtual Warehouse

You follow a step-by-step procedure to create a Virtual Warehouse based on the Database Catalog and SDX Data Lake you created in the RAZ-enabled environment.

The Database Catalog and Data Lake point to the same backend database. In the tenant-specific Virtual Warehouse, you create a tenant-specific Hive or Impala database that points to tenant-specific buckets. As the metadata is shared across all tenants, Ranger grants access to tenant data at the table level. One or more tenant-specific databases alongside databases for shared data can run in the same HMS instance.
Repeat the following steps for each tenant.
  1. In the Cloudera Data Warehouse service, click Virtual Warehouses > New Virtual Warehouse.
  2. Specify a name, select either the Hive or Impala type, and select the Database Catalog you created for the tenant.
  3. In Overview, find your Virtual Warehouse, click Hue.
  4. Create a tenant-specific Hive or Impala database where the location for external and managed tables are pointing to the tenant-specific buckets.
    [COMMENT database_comment]
    [LOCATION external_table_path]
    [MANAGEDLOCATION managed_table_directory_path]
    [WITH DBPROPERTIES (property_name=property_value, ...)];                   
    Do not set LOCATION and MANAGEDLOCATION to the same path. For more information, see Create a default directory for managed tables.
  5. In Ranger, grant the tenant users access to the tenant-specific Hive or Impala database.

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