You follow a step-by-step procedure to create a Virtual Warehouse based on the
Database Catalog and SDX Data Lake you created in the RAZ-enabled environment.
The Database Catalog and Data Lake point to the same backend database. In the
tenant-specific Virtual Warehouse, you create a tenant-specific Hive or Impala database
that points to tenant-specific buckets. As the metadata is shared across all tenants,
Ranger grants access to tenant data at the table level. One or more tenant-specific
databases alongside databases for shared data can run in the same HMS
Repeat the following steps for each tenant.
In the Cloudera Data Warehouse service, click .
Specify a name, select either the Hive or Impala type, and select the
Database Catalog you created for the tenant.
In Overview, find your Virtual Warehouse, click
Create a tenant-specific Hive or Impala database where the location for
external and managed tables are pointing to the tenant-specific buckets.
[COMMENT database_comment]
[LOCATION external_table_path]
[MANAGEDLOCATION managed_table_directory_path]
[WITH DBPROPERTIES (property_name=property_value, ...)];
In Ranger, grant the tenant users access to the tenant-specific Hive or
Impala database.