Activity Log interface

In the Activity Log interface, note the following features that are common to both the List view of Activity Log and Statistical View of Activity Log of this interface:

  1. Auto-Refresh queries

    When you select this option, it automatically refreshes the information in this interface at regular intervals.

    The default refresh time interval is 60 seconds.

  2. Only display queries generated by visuals

    This option limits reporting to actions on visuals.

    This means that logs do not report actions on datasets, connections, and analytical views.

  3. Only display queries generated by visuals
  4. Show Stats / Hide Stats

    The Show Stats / Hide Stats option toggles between showing or hiding statistics on activity logging.

  5. Refresh

    The Refresh option starts off the refresh operation, not waiting for the auto-refresh.

  6. At the right, the page has the following information:

    • Last fetch

      This captures the timestamp at the time that the query was generated, such as April 16, 5:30 PM.

      Note the Refresh options.

    • Queries

      This shows the number of queries reported.

      By default, this number is 500.

      Clicking on the Plus icon increases the number of queries by increments of 500.

      Clicking on the Minus icon reduces the number of queries by increments of 500.

    • Time Span

      This reports the time interval covered by the log, such as Apr 16, 10:11 AM to Apr 16, 6:00 PM.

For details of each activity, see List view of Activity Log.

For a summary of activities by type, see Statistical View of Activity Log.