Creating new user accounts

An administrator can create new user accounts.

The following steps demonstrate how to create a new user account:

  1. On the main navigation bar, click the gear icon.
  2. In the drop-down menu, click Users & Groups.

    The Manage Users & Groups interface appears, open on the Users tab.

  3. Click New User.

    New User modal window appears.

  4. In the New User modal window,
    • Enter Username. We entered User1.
    • Under First Name enter Sara and under Last Name enter Lee. These values can also be picked up from LDAP user definitions.
    • Enter Password. We recommend that you consider the following considerations, when you enter your password: Ensure that the password meets the minimum security requirements specified for the instance. See Setting user password requirements. After five failed login attempts, locks out the user. To change the account lockout configuration settings or to unlock the user, see Configuring account lockout. Check Show Password to copy the password and share it with the designated user.
    • Under Permissions, select Normal user.
    • [Optional] In the Groups tab, under Group Membership, use the Search box to find user groups, and assign the new user to existing groups by selecting user groups on the left list, and then clicking Add to move them to the right. We added the user to the admin_group group. For further information on how to add users to groups see, Creating new user groups.
    • [Optional] In the Roles tab, under Roles, use the Search box to find roles, and assign the new user to existing roles by selecting roles on the left list, and then clicking Add to move them to the right. See Assigning roles to users for additional information on users and roles.
    • [Optional] The Technical User Name option in the New User and Edit User window modals enables the system administrator to specify or edit an alternate name for connection access when using impersonation. Normally, connection access with enabled impersonation delivers the username to the data source. When using this new mode and configuring the users with a proxy username, the data source receives this proxy username instead. To enable this feature, set the python parameter PROFILE_PROXY_USERNAME to True.
      Figure 1. Specifying or Editing the Technical User Name
    • Click Save.

After the operation succeeds, you can see the Manage Users & Groups page, showing the Users tab. Note that user User1 is part of the list, the account permissions are set to Normal, status is Active, date joined is 11 minutes ago, and last login is Never.

Note, when User1 logs in, the first name and last name of the user appears in the top right corner of the navigation bar.

After the new user logs in, notice that the date joined changes from 11 minutes ago to 21 minutes ago, and the last login changes from Never to a few seconds ago.