Creating the target visual

Open (or create) a visual based on US County Population dataset.
  1. The specifics for a sample visual follow:
    • Dataset: US County Population
    • Visual type: map
    • Geo shelf: stname field, aliased as state, and ctyname field, aliased as country
    • Measures shelf: add tot_pop field, then change the expression to sum([tot_pop]) as 'population'
    • Tooltips shelf: add tot_male field and change the expression to sum([tot_male]) as 'males', and add tot_female field and change the expression to sum([tot_female]) as 'females'
    • On the Measure and Tooltips shelves, change the Display Format for each field by adding the comma thousands separator.
    • Filters shelf: year field, change expression to year=5, and aggregrp field, change expression to aggregrp=0
  2. Click Refresh Visual.
  3. Name this Target Visual, and save it.