Scheduled jobs

Here is a representative view of the Scheduled Jobs page that maintains the list of email jobs that run on a schedule, or are triggered by measures on the dataset reaching a defined threshold. It shows the options and actions available for these jobs.

  1. Clicking Refresh updates the log information.
  2. Clicking Delete Selected performs a delete on all selected jobs. See Deleting jobs.
  3. Clicking Run Now reruns all selected jobs. See Rerunning jobs.
  4. Clicking Resume restarts all selected jobs that have been paused. See Resuming paused jobs.
  5. A sub-menu of the Job Log interface provides an option for filtering job logs, based on their status:

    • All (default)
    • Error
    • Finished
    • Running
    • Cancelled
    • Paused
  6. Job ID on the Scheduled Jobs tab and theJob Log tab is the same. This helps to debug performance issues.
  7. Name
  8. Details, such as threshold information (if any), email recipients, schedule type, and so on.
  9. Created by provides the ID of the user who created the scheduled job.
  10. Schedule, which is either one of the standard types (weekly, hourly, and so on), or a custom interval.
  11. Last Run
  12. Next Run
  13. Last Status, which indicates if the job is paused or active.
  14. The checkbox on the header row and on each job log entry selects the jobs for bulk deletion or a rerun.
  15. Clicking Details opens the information module for the job log.
  16. Clicking the Edit button opens the Edit Job modal window.
  17. Clicking Run Now reruns the job. See Rerunning jobs.
  18. Clicking Pause suspends a scheduled or triggered job indefinitely, but leaves its definition intact so you can easily resume it. See Pausing jobs.