Enabling admin API support

By default, admin API URL support is disabled CDP Data Visualization. A platform administrator can enable this support, at the level of individual data types, through site-specific settings.

  1. Open Site Settings
  2. Scroll to Advanced Settings at the bottom of the page.
  3. To enable specific data types, include them on the assignment line, see the example below.
    ADMIN_API_URL_LIST = ['visuals', 'datasets'] To only enable visuals and datasets.
    ADMIN_API_URL_LIST = ['visuals', 'datasets', 'connections', 'users', 'groups','roles', 'segments', 'filterassociations'] To enable all data type support, you can either list them all in the text box.
    ADMIN_API_URL_LIST = ['*'] Or use the wildcard to specify all options.
  4. Click Save