CDP Data Visualization enables you to create Sparklines visuals. A Sparklines
chart shows the general shape of the variation in measurement (usually over time) in a simple,
condensed, and memorable manner. Sparklines are small and succinct, and can be easily located
with the text where they are discussed. You can contrast Sparklines with typical X/Y charts that
are designed to show as much data as possible.
Start a new visual based on the World Life Expectancy dataset.
Select Sparklines in the VISUALS
The shelves of the visual changed. They are now X Axis
(mandatory), Y Axis (mandatory), and
Populate the shelves from the available fields (Dimensions,
Measures) in the DATA menu.
Under Dimensions, select year and drag it
to the X Axis.
Under Measures, select gdp_per_capita and
drag it to the Y Axis.
On the gdp_per_capita field of the Y Axis
shelf, click the (arrow) icon and select Aggregates > Sum.
This is necessary because the Sparklines visual type uses aggregated measurements.The Y Axis shelf now contains the modified field
The Sparklines visual graph appears.
On the Filters shelf, add several
Dimensions and Measures from the
DATA menu.
This enables you to dynamically control the data input and to discover the data at a
more granular level.
For example, from Dimensions, drag
country, un_subregion, and
un_region to the Filters shelf.
Click the (pencil) icon next to the title of the visualization
to edit it, and enter World Population - Sparklines as the new name.
Click SAVE at the top left corner of the Dashboard