Creating Data Visualization application in CDSW using ML Runtime

Learn how to create a Data Visualization application when using ML Runtime in Cloudera Data Science Workbench (CDSW).

  1. Go to a project's Overview page.
  2. On the left sidebar, click Applications.
  3. Click New Application.
  4. Provide the following details for your new application:
    • Name – Enter a name for the application.
    • Subdomain – Enter a subdomain that will be used to construct the URL for the web application. Make sure it contains URL friendly characters.
    • Description – Enter a description for the application.
    • Script - Select the path to the startup script.
    • Kernel – Select Cloudera Data Visualization for the kernel supported by the Runtime variant of the CDSW project.
    • Edition – Select the edition of the Runtime variant you want to use for your application.
  5. Click Create Application.

In a few minutes, you should see the application status change to Running on the Applications page. The running application now has a hosted, fully-functional Data Visualization platform.

You can Stop, Restart, or Delete a CDSW application from the Actions drop-down menu on the Applications page.

If you want to make changes to an existing application, open Application Details and go to the Settings tab to make any changes and update the application.

Start Data Visualization in CDSW