Download a flow definition from NiFi

Before you can run a NiFi flow in Cloudera DataFlow, you need to download the NiFi flow as a flow definition. The Download flow definition option in NiFi allows you to download the flow definition of a process group as a JSON file. The file can be imported into Cloudera DataFlow using the Import Flow Definition option.

  • Review Best Practices for Flow Definition Development to ensure that you have a good understanding of flow isolation best practices.
  • Develop your data flow in NiFi.
  1. Select the process group that you want to transfer to Cloudera DataFlow.
    For recommendations on how to export your process groups for deployment in Cloudera Dataflow, see Best Practices for Flow Definition Development.
  2. Right-click the process group.
  3. Select Download flow definition.

    For more information on how to plan and organize your NiFi data flows, see Best Practices for Flow Definition Development.

The data flow is downloaded as a JSON file. You have a portable NiFi flow ready to be imported into Cloudera DataFlow.
Import the NiFi flow to Cloudera DataFlow as a flow definition.