Airtable to S3/ADLSPDF version

ReadyFlow overview: Airtable to S3/ADLS

You can use the Airtable to S3/ADLS ReadyFlow to consume objects from an Airtable table, filter them, and write them as JSON, CSV or Avro files to a destination in Amazon S3 or Azure Data Lake Service (ADLS).

This ReadyFlow consumes objects from an Airtable table, filtered by field name(s). You can pick whether to include metadata or to extract only the Airtable fields. The objects are then converted to the specified output data format and written to the target S3 or ADLS destination. The flow writes out a file every time its size has either reached 100 MB or five minutes have passed. Files can reach a maximum size of 1 GB. Failed S3 or ADLS write operations are retried automatically to handle transient issues. Define a KPI on the failure_WriteToS3/ADLS connection to monitor failed write operations.

Airtable to S3/ADLS ReadyFlow details
Source Airtable
Source Format Airtable
Destination Cloudera managed Amazon S3 or ADLS
Destination Format Avro, CSV, or JSON