Google Cloud Functions

This section helps you to check the list of actions you must perfom before you start working on your function.

  • You have the latest version of the Google Cloud Functions (GCP) CLI.
  • The scripts assume that a default project has been associated to your local client:gcloud config set project PROJECT_ID.
  1. Start by setting all the parameters required for deploying your function using the GCP CLI.
    # Name of the binary file you downloaded from the Cloudera Public Cloud control plane. Change it based on the version you downloaded.
    # Location where the function will be deployed. Change this value to match your needs/requirements.
    # Name of the bucket where the binary and NAR will be uploaded. Change this value to match your needs/requirements.
    # Name of the function (only lower case letters). Cange this value to match your needs/requirements.
    # Flow CRN. Add the Customer Resource Number you obtained from the Cloudera DataFlow Catalog.
    # Credentials of the machine user
  2. Create a bucket where you will upload the Cloudera DataFlow Functions binary.
    gcloud alpha storage buckets create gs://$BUCKET_NAME --location $LOCATION
    gsutil cp $FILEKEY gs://$BUCKET_NAME/$FILEKEY
  3. Deploy the function.
    gcloud functions deploy $FUNCTIONNAME \
    	--gen2 \
    	--region=$LOCATION \
    	--runtime=java11 \
    	--source=gs://$BUCKET_NAME/$FILEKEY \
    	--memory=1024MB \
    	--timeout=300 \
    	--trigger-http \
    	--allow-unauthenticated \ \

    After a couple of minutes, the function will be deployed and you will receive an HTTP endpoint exposed by Google Cloud to call your function.

    For example:

    You can now use a tool like Postman to send your picture.

    You can add two custom headers (resize-width and resize-height) to specify the resizing dimensions. If not specified, the default values of the NiFi flow parameters are used.

    It is possible to send a request to your function using curl.

    For example:
    curl -X POST \
    -H "Content-Type: image/png" \
    -H "resize-width: 400" \
    -H "resize-height: 200" \
    --data-binary "@/Users/pierre/Desktop/test.png" \
    --output /tmp/my_resized_image.png

    You can secure the function by deploying it without the --allow-unauthenticated parameter.

    You can delete the function using the following command:
    gcloud functions delete $FUNCTIONNAME --gen2 --region=$LOCATION --quiet
    gcloud alpha storage rm -r gs://$BUCKET_NAME