Creating a Google Cloud function using CLI

Google Cloud Functions offers two product versions: Cloud Functions 1st Generation, the original version and Google Cloud Functions 2nd Generation, a new version built on Cloud Run and Eventarc to provide an enhanced feature set. See the below examples on how to deploy a Cloudera DataFlow Function in both versions of Google Cloud Functions, using the Google Cloud CLI.

  • Your NiFi flow definition is stored in the Cloudera DataFlow Catalog and you have the CRN corresponding to the flow version you want to execute as a function

  • You have created a Machine User with the proper role and you have its Access Key and Private Key credentials

  • You have installed and configured the Google Cloud CLI on your local machine

1st generation (1st gen)

HTTP Trigger

To deploy a Google Cloud Function with an unauthenticated HTTP trigger, you can use the following example:
gcloud functions deploy myfunctionname \
	--region=europe-west1 \
	--runtime=java11 \
	--source=gs://my-bucket/ \
	--memory=1024MB \
	--timeout=300 \
	--trigger-http \
	--allow-unauthenticated \ \
	--update-labels=mylabelkey=mylabelvalue \

GCS Trigger

To deploy a Google Cloud Function with a trigger on a GCS bucket, you can use the following example:
gcloud functions deploy myfunctionname \
	--region=europe-west1 \
	--runtime=java11 \
	--source=gs://my-bucket/ \
	--memory=1024MB \
	--timeout=300 \
	--trigger-bucket=my-trigger-bucket \
	--update-labels=mylabelkey=mylabelvalue \

Pub/Sub Trigger

To deploy a Google Cloud Function with a trigger on a Pub/Sub topic, you can use the following example:
gcloud functions deploy myfunctionname \
	--region=europe-west1 \
	--runtime=java11 \
	--source=gs://my-bucket/ \
	--memory=1024MB \
	--timeout=300 \
	--trigger-topic=my-trigger-topic \
	--update-labels=mylabelkey=mylabelvalue \

2nd generation (2nd gen)

For Google Cloud Functions 2nd gen, only HTTPS triggers are supported and a Google Eventarc trigger can be added to trigger the function through HTTPS calls according to configurable events (files added to a bucket, event published to a Pub/Sub topic, and so on).

You can use the following example:
gcloud functions deploy myfunctionname \
	--gen2 \
	--region=europe-west1 \
	--runtime=java11 \
	--source=gs://my-bucket/ \
	--memory=1024MB \
	--timeout=300 \
	--trigger-http \ \
	--update-labels=mylabelkey=mylabelvalue \
It is then possible to create an Eventarc trigger and link it to the deployed function. This is an example with Pub/Sub:
gcloud eventarc triggers create pubsub \
--location=europe-west1 \ \
--transport-topic=projects/my-project/topics/my-topic \
--destination-run-service=myfunctionname \
--destination-run-region=europe-west1 \
--destination-run-path="/" \