Creating a Google Cloud function using CLI
Google Cloud Functions offers two product versions: Cloud Functions 1st Generation, the original version and Google Cloud Functions 2nd Generation, a new version built on Cloud Run and Eventarc to provide an enhanced feature set. See the below examples on how to deploy a DataFlow Function in both versions of Google Cloud Functions, using the Google Cloud CLI.
Your NiFi flow definition is stored in the DataFlow Catalog and you have the CRN corresponding to the flow version you want to execute as a function
You have created a Machine User with the proper role and you have its Access Key and Private Key credentials
You have installed and configured the Google Cloud CLI on your local machine
1st generation (1st gen)
HTTP Trigger
gcloud functions deploy myfunctionname \
--region=europe-west1 \
--runtime=java11 \
--source=gs://my-bucket/ \
--memory=1024MB \
--timeout=300 \
--trigger-http \
--allow-unauthenticated \ \
--update-labels=mylabelkey=mylabelvalue \
GCS Trigger
gcloud functions deploy myfunctionname \
--region=europe-west1 \
--runtime=java11 \
--source=gs://my-bucket/ \
--memory=1024MB \
--timeout=300 \
--trigger-bucket=my-trigger-bucket \
--update-labels=mylabelkey=mylabelvalue \
Pub/Sub Trigger
gcloud functions deploy myfunctionname \
--region=europe-west1 \
--runtime=java11 \
--source=gs://my-bucket/ \
--memory=1024MB \
--timeout=300 \
--trigger-topic=my-trigger-topic \
--update-labels=mylabelkey=mylabelvalue \
2nd generation (2nd gen)
For Google Cloud Functions 2nd gen, only HTTPS triggers are supported and a Google Eventarc trigger can be added to trigger the function through HTTPS calls according to configurable events (files added to a bucket, event published to a Pub/Sub topic, and so on).
gcloud functions deploy myfunctionname \
--gen2 \
--region=europe-west1 \
--runtime=java11 \
--source=gs://my-bucket/ \
--memory=1024MB \
--timeout=300 \
--trigger-http \ \
--update-labels=mylabelkey=mylabelvalue \
gcloud eventarc triggers create pubsub \
--location=europe-west1 \ \
--transport-topic=projects/my-project/topics/my-topic \
--destination-run-service=myfunctionname \
--destination-run-region=europe-west1 \
--destination-run-path="/" \