Processor KPIs

Processor KPIs expose the metrics that NiFi provides for the processors. Choosing Processor allows you to set alerts based on any of the processor metrics that the data flow monitors.

Metric name: Average Lineage Duration
Metric unit: Seconds
Meaning: How much time elapsed between when the original source data was received and the time at which this processing event occurred?
Threshold: Upper and lower boundary
You can use this KPI to create alerts when the average lineage duration for all flowfiles within the specified time period is either above the upper boundary or below the lower boundary.
Metric name: Bytes In
Metric unit: Bytes
Meaning: How much data is received by the selected processor?
Threshold: Upper and lower boundary
You can use this KPI to create alerts when the aggregated data received by the selected processor is either below the specified lower threshold or above the specified upper threshold for the given time period.
Metric name: Bytes Out
Metric unit: Bytes
Meaning: How much data is sent by the selected processor?
Threshold: Upper and lower boundary
You can use this KPI to create alerts when the aggregated data sent by the selected processor is either below the specified lower threshold or above the specified upper threshold for the given time period.
Metric name: Bytes Queued
Metric unit: Bytes
Meaning: How much content is queued for the selected processor?
Threshold: Upper and lower boundary
You can use this KPI to create alerts when the data queued for the selected precessor is either more than what is specified in the upper boundary or less than specified in the lower boundary for the given time period.
Metric name: Bytes Received
Metric unit: Bytes
Meaning: How much data is received from a source that is external to the flows?
Threshold: Upper and lower boundary
You can use this KPI to create alerts when the data received or read by the selected precessor is either more than what is specified in the upper boundary or less than what is specified in the lower boundary for the given time period.
Metric name: Bytes Sent
Metric unit: Bytes
Meaning: How much data is sent to an external recipient?
Threshold: Upper and lower boundary
You can use this KPI to create alerts when the data sent by the selected precessor is either more than what is specified in the upper boundary or less than specified in the lower boundary for the given time period.
Metric name: Flowfiles Input to Processor
Metric unit: Count
Meaning: How many flowfiles are received from a source within the flow?
Threshold: Upper and lower boundary
You can use this KPI to create alerts when the number of flowfiles received from a source within the flow is either more than the specified in the upper boundary or less than the specified in the lower boundary for the given time period.
Metric name: Flowfiles Out from Processor
Metric unit: Count
Meaning: How many flowfiles are sent out of the processor?
Threshold: Upper and lower boundary
You can use this KPI to create alerts when the number of flowfiles sent out of the processor is either more than the specified in the upper boundary or less than the specified in the lower boundary for the given time period.
Metric name: Flowfiles Received
Metric unit: Count
Meaning: How many flowfiles are received by the selected processor from a source that is external to the flows?
Threshold: Upper and lower boundary
You can use this KPI to create alerts when the aggregated number of flowfiles received by the selected processor is either below the specified lower threshold or above the upper threshold for the given time period.
Metric name: Flowfiles Sent
Metric unit: Count
Meaning: How many flowfiles are sent by the selected processor to an external recipient?
Threshold: Upper and lower boundary
You can use this KPI to create alerts when the aggregated number of flowfiles sent by the selected processor is either below the specified lower threshold or above the upper threshold for the given time period.