January 9, 2024

This release (2.7.0-b190) of Cloudera DataFlow (CDF) on CDP Public Cloud introduces new Change Data Capture processors, flow version tagging, deployment configuration reuse, NiFi bulletin monitoring and supports new Kubernetes versions.

What's new

Latest NiFi version
Flow Deployments and Test Sessions now support the latest Apache NiFi 1.24 release.
New Debezium CDC processors
You can now build and deploy flows with Debezium based CDC processors for MySQL, Postgres, Oracle, SQLServer and DB2 databases.
Deployment alerts for NiFi bulletins
CDF now detects bulletin error messages in NiFi flow deployments and displays them as a warning in the dashboard.
Flow Definition versions can now be tagged
You can now use tags to identify versions easier. Common use cases for tags are applying a custom versioning scheme, or labeling flow versions as ‘ready for deployment’. The CLI introduces new commands to search flow definitions for tags and streamlines the CI/CD process.
Deployment configurations can now be exported and reused
Customers can now export a configuration archive of existing deployments and reuse them when creating new deployments. This speeds up redeploying new versions of the same flow through the Deployment Wizard by filling in parameter values, KPI configurations etc. from the deployment configuration.
Support for new Kubernetes versions
AKS 1.27 / EKS 1.27
New ReadyFlows
  • MySQL CDC to Kudu (Tech Preview)
  • Postgres CDC to Kudu (Tech Preview)
  • Oracle CDC to Kudu (Tech Preview)
  • SQL Server CDC to Kudu (Tech Preview)
  • ADLS to Databricks
  • S3 to Databricks
  • HuggingFace dataset to S3/ADLS
  • S3 to IBM watsonx

Changes and improvements

  • The HelloWorld ReadyFlow has been updated. You need to deploy Version 2 to run it with NiFi 1.24.0 or higher.
  • Underlying AKS creation error during a CDF enablement, if available, is now reported together with the enable failed status event instead of showing up a few minutes later.
  • You can now download Client Certificate and Private Key for an Inbound Connection in a single action.

Fixed issues

  • CDPDFX-8057: Fixed an issue where TLS certificate renewal was not correctly handled by VPA deployment.
  • CDPDFX-7969: Fixed an issue where upgrade fails if there is a deployment using an unsupported NiFi version.
  • CDPDFX-8162: Fixed an issue where a deployment creation can be initiated with an existing inbound connection endpoint.
  • CDPDFX-8102: Fixed an issue where suspended deployments are reported as not healthy after upgrade.
  • CDPDFX-8202 and CDPDFX-8203: CLI improvements when listing projects and deployment archives.
  • CDPDFX-8057: Introduced a common component to address TLS certificate reload after periodic renewal.
  • CDPDFX-6745: Re-instated bounded automatic helm operation retry during upgrade.
  • CDPDFX-8096: Rolling upgrade for NiFi cluster when there is no core NiFi version change.