June 03, 2024

This release (2.8.0-h1-b1) of Cloudera DataFlow (CDF) on CDP Public Cloud introduces bug fixes which fix issues with upgrades and changing flow versions.

Fixed issues

  • CDPDFX-8851 - fixes an issue where a CDF upgrade on Azure could fail due to MiNiFi pods getting stuck.

  • CDPDFX-8826 - fixes an issue where a CDF upgrade could fail due to an existing deployment being in ‘FAILED_TO_IMPORT’ state.

  • CDPDFX-8803 - fixes an issue where deployments failed due to too long HTTP timeouts during asset loader API calls.

  • CDPDFX-8828 - fixes an issue where certain configuration files represented by the ‘CDP Environment’ parameter were uploaded multiple times when change flow version was used.

  • CDPDFX-8760 - fixes an issue where CDF was sending pod deployment status even when the pod count was zero.