Authorize user to manage deployments in a Cloudera DataFlow environment

To authorize a user to manage flow deployments in a Cloudera DataFlow environment, assign the DFFlowAdmin role to the user.

  • You must have PowerUser permission for the account where you want to perform this task.
  • You must have Owner permission for the environment where you want to perform this task.
  • You must have IAMViewer or IAMUser permission for the account where you want to perform this task.
  1. From the Cloudera Management Console, click Environments.
    The Environment List page appears.
  2. Search for and select the environment you want the user to have rights to.
    The Environment page appears.
  3. Click Actions > Manage Access.
    The Environment Access page appears.
  4. Find the user and click Update Roles.
  5. From the Update Roles dialog, select the DFFlowAdmin role.
  6. Click Update Roles.
  7. Click Synchronize Users to propagate the user role changes you made to the environment.