July 18, 2023

This release (2.5.0-h1-b6) of Cloudera DataFlow (CDF) on CDP Public Cloud resolves a critical bug in JVM heap allocation for newly created NiFi deployments besides other minor bug fixes.

Fixed issues

  • CDPDFX-7507 - NiFi deployments assigned incorrect JVM heap settings:

    • This issue only impacts deployments created after upgrading to CDF release 2.5.0-b210.
    • SMALL, MEDIUM and LARGE deployments appear to be utilizing the appropriate amount of heap memory for their allocated cluster resources, but they are only allocated 2GB of heap memory. This results in a possible limitation of flow functionality.
    • Upgrading to CDF release 2.5.0-h1-b6 automatically resolves this issue.
  • CDPDFX-7461 - introduces a minor fix to show the proper axis label on metric charts.

Technical Service Bulletins

  • TSB 2023-688: Incorrect Java heap memory allocation when creating Small, Medium or Large NiFi flow deployments