Azure quickstart

If you've reached the CDP landing page for the first time, you've come to the right place! In this quickstart, we'll show you step-by-step how to connect CDP to your Azure subscription, so that you can begin to provision clusters and workloads.

To complete this quickstart, you'll need access to three things:
  • The CDP console pictured above
  • The Azure console
  • Azure Cloud shell
In addition to this documentation, you can refer to the following video:

The steps that we will perform are:

Step 0: Verify the Azure prerequisites

Step 1: Create an Azure AD app

Step 2: Deploy the Azure quickstart template

Step 3: Assign roles

Step 4: Create or locate an SSH key

Step 5: Create a CDP credential

Step 6: Register a CDP environment

Verify Azure cloud platform prerequisites

Before getting started with the Azure onboarding quickstart, review and acknowledge the following:

  • This Azure onboarding quickstart is intended for simple CDP evaluation deployments only. It may not work for scenarios where Azure resources such as VNet, security group, storage accounts, and so on, are pre-created or Azure accounts have restrictions in place.
  • User running the Azure onboarding quickstart should have:
    • Owner permissions on the Azure subscription that you would like to use for CDP.
    • Rights to create Azure resources required by CDP. See list of Azure resources used by CDP.
    • Rights to create an Azure AD application (service principal) and assign Contributor role at subscription level.
    • CDP Admin role or Power User role in CDP subscription.
  • This Azure onboarding quickstart uses an Azure ARM template that automatically creates the required resources such as storage accounts, containers, managed identities, resource groups, and so on.
  • CDP Public Cloud relies on several Azure services that should be available and enabled in your region of choice. Verify if you have enough quota for each Azure service to set up CDP in your Azure account. See list of Azure resources used by CDP.

If you have more complex requirements than those listed here, contact Cloudera Sales Team to help you with CDP onboarding.

Create an Azure AD app

In the Azure portal, create an application in your Azure Active Directory tenant. This steps allows you to use the native Cloud Shell terminal and not have to set up Azure CLI.

  1. Log in to the Azure portal and launch Cloud Shell.

  2. Run the following command to return the subscription ID and tenant ID:
    az account list|jq '.[]|{"name": .name, "subscriptionId": .id, "tenantId": .tenantId, "state": .state}'

    The output of this command is shown below:

    Make a note of the subscriptionId and tenantId values. You will need them later.

  3. Run the command below to create an app in Azure AD and assign the "Contributor" role at the subscription.
    az ad sp create-for-rbac --name http://cloudbreak-app --role Contributor --scopes /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}

    The output of this command is shown below:

Deploy the Azure quickstart template

The Azure quickstart template is a customized ARM template that deploys essential Azure resources for the CDP environment.

  1. Click Deploy to Azure to begin ARM template deployment of CDP prerequisites in your Azure subscription.
  2. Log in to Azure to create the resources in your subscription that are required for CDP deployment. These resources include VNet, ADLS Gen2, and 4 user managed identities.
  3. On the Custom deployment screen, click Create new under the Resource group field and then give the resource group a name (it should only contain letters, numbers, and hyphens).
  4. Under Settings, provide an Environment Name in the corresponding field.

  5. Accept the terms and conditions, and click Purchase.
    An ARM script begins to run in the background, creating the resources required for a CDP environment. This may take around 10 minutes.
  6. When your resource group is up, navigate to the Overview page of the resource group.
  7. Copy and paste the following values into a note, as you will need them in the next task:
    • Subscription ID: Your subscription ID is found at the top of the resource group Overview page.
    • Resource group: The name of the resource group that you created.

Assign roles

Azure Resource Manager templates do not support role assignments at a scope other than resource groups. Perform the following role assignments through UI or CLI.

Make sure that you have your note from the previous step, where you copied values for the Subscription ID and resource group name.
  1. Once you have values for the subscription ID, resource group name, storage account, environment name, and all four managed identities, click here to download a script.
  2. Create a new file in Cloud Shell with the same name, and copy the content of the script there.
  3. Replace the following values in the script with the values you have collected thus far:

    For example, your script should look similar to this:

    export SUBSCRIPTIONID="jfs85ls8-sik8-8329-fq0m-jqo7v06dk6sy"
    export RESOURCEGROUPNAME="myCDPresourcegroup"
    export STORAGEACCOUNTNAME=$(az storage account list -g $RESOURCEGROUPNAME --subscription $SUBSCRIPTIONID|jq '.[]|.name'| tr -d '"')
    export ASSUMER_OBJECTID=$(az identity list -g $RESOURCEGROUPNAME --subscription $SUBSCRIPTIONID|jq '.[]|{"name","principalId":.principalId}|select(.name | test("AssumerIdentity"))|.principalId'| tr -d '"')
    export DATAACCESS_OBJECTID=$(az identity list -g $RESOURCEGROUPNAME --subscription $SUBSCRIPTIONID|jq '.[]|{"name","principalId":.principalId}|select(.name | test("DataAccessIdentity"))|.principalId'| tr -d '"')
    export LOGGER_OBJECTID=$(az identity list -g $RESOURCEGROUPNAME --subscription $SUBSCRIPTIONID|jq '.[]|{"name","principalId":.principalId}|select(.name | test("LoggerIdentity"))|.principalId'| tr -d '"')
    export RANGER_OBJECTID=$(az identity list -g $RESOURCEGROUPNAME --subscription $SUBSCRIPTIONID|jq '.[]|{"name","principalId":.principalId}|select(.name | test("RangerIdentity"))|.principalId'| tr -d '"')
    # Assign Managed Identity Operator role to the assumerIdentity principal at subscription scope
    az role assignment create --assignee $ASSUMER_OBJECTID --role 'f1a07417-d97a-45cb-824c-7a7467783830' --scope "/subscriptions/$SUBSCRIPTIONID"
    # Assign Virtual Machine Contributor role to the assumerIdentity principal at subscription scope
    az role assignment create --assignee $ASSUMER_OBJECTID --role '9980e02c-c2be-4d73-94e8-173b1dc7cf3c' --scope "/subscriptions/$SUBSCRIPTIONID"
    # Assign Storage Blob Data Contributor role to the assumerIdentity principal at logs filesystem scope
    az role assignment create --assignee $ASSUMER_OBJECTID --role 'ba92f5b4-2d11-453d-a403-e96b0029c9fe' --scope "/subscriptions/$SUBSCRIPTIONID/resourceGroups/$RESOURCEGROUPNAME/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/$STORAGEACCOUNTNAME/blobServices/default/containers/logs"
    # Assign Storage Blob Data Contributor role to the loggerIdentity principal at logs/backup filesystem scope
    az role assignment create --assignee $LOGGER_OBJECTID --role 'ba92f5b4-2d11-453d-a403-e96b0029c9fe' --scope "/subscriptions/$SUBSCRIPTIONID/resourceGroups/$RESOURCEGROUPNAME/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/$STORAGEACCOUNTNAME/blobServices/default/containers/logs"
    az role assignment create --assignee $LOGGER_OBJECTID --role 'ba92f5b4-2d11-453d-a403-e96b0029c9fe' --scope "/subscriptions/$SUBSCRIPTIONID/resourceGroups/$RESOURCEGROUPNAME/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/$STORAGEACCOUNTNAME/blobServices/default/containers/backups"
    # Assign Storage Blob Data Owner role to the dataAccessIdentity principal at logs/data/backup filesystem scope
    az role assignment create --assignee $DATAACCESS_OBJECTID --role 'b7e6dc6d-f1e8-4753-8033-0f276bb0955b' --scope "/subscriptions/$SUBSCRIPTIONID/resourceGroups/$RESOURCEGROUPNAME/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/$STORAGEACCOUNTNAME/blobServices/default/containers/data"
    az role assignment create --assignee $DATAACCESS_OBJECTID --role 'b7e6dc6d-f1e8-4753-8033-0f276bb0955b' --scope "/subscriptions/$SUBSCRIPTIONID/resourceGroups/$RESOURCEGROUPNAME/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/$STORAGEACCOUNTNAME/blobServices/default/containers/logs"
    az role assignment create --assignee $DATAACCESS_OBJECTID --role 'b7e6dc6d-f1e8-4753-8033-0f276bb0955b' --scope "/subscriptions/$SUBSCRIPTIONID/resourceGroups/$RESOURCEGROUPNAME/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/$STORAGEACCOUNTNAME/blobServices/default/containers/backups"
    # Assign Storage Blob Data Contributor role to the rangerIdentity principal at data/backup filesystem scope
    az role assignment create --assignee $RANGER_OBJECTID --role 'ba92f5b4-2d11-453d-a403-e96b0029c9fe' --scope "/subscriptions/$SUBSCRIPTIONID/resourceGroups/$RESOURCEGROUPNAME/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/$STORAGEACCOUNTNAME/blobServices/default/containers/data"
    az role assignment create --assignee $RANGER_OBJECTID --role 'ba92f5b4-2d11-453d-a403-e96b0029c9fe' --scope "/subscriptions/$SUBSCRIPTIONID/resourceGroups/$RESOURCEGROUPNAME/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/$STORAGEACCOUNTNAME/blobServices/default/containers/backups"
  4. Run the Cloud Shell script: sh

Create or locate an SSH Key

CDP requires that you provide a public SSH key for admin access to VM instances.

You can find more information on SSH key requirement in the topic SSH key. If you need to create one, you can do so by running ssh-keygen -t rsa.

When you complete this step, you have created all of the Azure resources required for this quickstart.

Create a CDP credential

In the CDP Console, the first step is to create a CDP credential. The CDP credential is the mechanism that allows CDP to create resources inside of your cloud account.

  1. Log in to the CDP web interface.
  2. From the CDP home screen, click the Management Console icon.
  3. In the Management Console, select Shared Resources > Credentials from the navigation pane.
  4. Select the Azure tab, name your credential, and enter the values you previously collected for subscription ID, app ID, and password.

Register a CDP environment

When you register an environment, you set properties related to data lake scaling, networking, security, and storage. You will need your Azure environment name, resource group name, storage account name, and virtual network name from your resource group.

  1. In the CDP Management Console, navigate to Environments and click Register Environment.
  2. Provide an Environment Name and description. The name can be any valid name.
  3. Choose Azure as the cloud provider.
  4. Under Microsoft Azure Credential, choose the credential you created in the previous task.

  5. Click Next.
  6. Under Data Lake Settings, give your new data lake a name. The name can be any valid name. Choose the latest data lake version.
  7. Under Data Access and Audit, choose the following:
    • Assumer Identity: <resourcegroup-name>-<envName>-AssumerIdentity
    • Storage Location Base: data@<storageaccount-name>
    • Data Access Identity: <resourcegroup-name>-<envName>-DataAccessIdentity
    • Ranger Audit Role: <resourcegroup-name>-<envName>-RangerIdentity

    For example:

  8. For Data Lake Scale, choose Light Duty.

  9. Click Next.
  10. Under Select Region, choose your desired region. This should be the same region you created an SSH key in previously.
  11. Under Select Resource Group, choose your resource group <resourcegroup-name>.
  12. For the Select Network field, select the name of the "Virtual Network" resource that was created when you deployed the ARM template to create the resource group. The name of the Virtual Network should be the same as your environment name, but you can verify this in the Azure portal on the Overview page of your resource group.
  13. Under Security Access Settings, select Create New Security Groups for the Security Access Type.

  14. Under SSH Settings, paste the public SSH key that you created earlier.
  15. Optionally, under Add Tags, provide any tags that you'd like the resources to be tagged with in your Azure account.
  16. Click Next.
  17. Under Logs, choose the following:
    • Logger Identity: <resourcegroup-name>-<envName>-LoggerIdentity
    • Logs Location Base: logs@<storageaccount-name>
    • Backup Location Base: backups@<storageaccount-name>

    For example:

  18. Click Register Environment.