Service UpgradePDF version

Upgrade a Cloudera DataFlow service

You can upgrade your Cloudera DataFlow service together with all DataFlow deployments in that environment with the push of a button.

  1. In Cloudera DataFlow, select Environments from the left navigation pane.
  2. Select the environment you want to upgrade and click Manage DataFlow.
  3. Click Actions > Upgrade DataFlow.
  4. Click Upgrade.
    The environment status changes to Upgrading and you see a similar message under Event History:
  5. You can monitor the upgrade procedure in Event History. Click Manage DataFlow then select Alerts.
The message DataFlow Successfully Upgraded in Event History and the Status of the service changing from Upgrading to Good Health on the Environments page signal that the upgrade has ended. Depending on the number of running nodes in the cluster, the upgrade can take more than an hour to complete.
If you had restricted policies in place before the upgrade, run the
aws ec2 describe-volumes --profile <aws-profile> --query
                'Volumes[?Tags[?contains(Key,``)] &&
command to confirm that no unused volumes were left behind.

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