AWS Lambda
This section helps you to check the list of actions you must perfom before you start working on your function.
- You have the latest version of the AWS Lambda CLI.
- You have
installed to extract some information from the JSON responses when executing commands.
Start by setting all the parameters required for deploying your function using the AWS
# Name of the binary file you downloaded from Cloudera DataFlow. Change it based on the version you downloaded. FILEKEY="" # Location where the function will be deployed. Change this value to match your needs/requirements. LOCATION=eu-west-2 # Name of the bucket where the binary and NAR will be uploaded. Change this value to match your needs/requirements. BUCKET_NAME=mydffresizeimagebucketpvillard # Name of the function (only lower case letters). Change this value to match your needs/requirements. FUNCTIONNAME=resizeimagepvillard # Flow CRN. Add the Customer Resource Number you obtained from the Cloudera DataFlow Catalog. FLOW_CRN=***YOUR VALUE HERE*** # Credentials of the machine user DF_ACCESS_KEY=***YOUR VALUE HERE*** DF_PRIVATE_KEY=***YOUR VALUE HERE***
- Download the function template from here and make it available locally.
Execute the below commands:
- Create your S3
aws s3api create-bucket \ --bucket $BUCKET_NAME \ --region $LOCATION \ --create-bucket-configuration LocationConstraint=$LOCATION
- Copy the Lambda Cloudera DataFlow Function binariy zip file to your
- Create the role for the
ROLEARN=`aws iam create-role --role-name $FUNCTIONNAME\_lambda\_role --assume-role-policy-document '{"Version": "2012-10-17","Statement": [{ "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": {"Service": ""}, "Action": "sts:AssumeRole"}]}' | jq -r ".Role.Arn" ` aws iam attach-role-policy --role-name $FUNCTIONNAME\_lambda\_role --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole sleep 10
- Create the function.
cp my-function-definition.json template.json sed -i '.bak' -e 's|BUCKETNAME|'"$BUCKET_NAME"'|g' \ -e 's|FUNCTIONNAME|'"$FUNCTIONNAME"'|g' \ -e 's|FLOWCRN|'"$FLOW_CRN"'|g' \ -e 's|DFACCESSKEY|'"$DF_ACCESS_KEY"'|g' \ -e 's|DFPRIVATEKEY|'"$DF_PRIVATE_KEY"'|g' \ -e 's|LAYERARN|'"$LAYERARNVERSION"'|g' \ -e 's|FILEKEY|'"$FILEKEY"'|g' \ -e 's|ROLEARN|'"$ROLEARN"'|g' template.json aws lambda create-function --cli-input-json file://template.json echo "please wait a bit more (30 sec)..." sleep 30 aws lambda publish-version --function-name $FUNCTIONNAME
When the execution is complete (it takes a few minutes), the function will be created and a version will be published but without a trigger.
- Create your S3
- Open the AWS Console UI and go to your Lambda.
Find to the published version of the function and add the API Gateway trigger:
This gives you the endpoint on which the Lambda is listening.
For example:
You can now use a tool like Postman to send your picture.
You can add two custom headers (
) to specify the resizing dimensions. If not specified, the default values of the NiFi flow parameters are used.It is possible to send a request to your function using
.For example:curl -X POST \ -H "Content-Type: image/png" \ -H "resize-width: 400" \ -H "resize-height: 200" \ --data-binary "@/Users/pierre/Desktop/test.png" \ --output /tmp/my_resized_image.png
You can delete the function using the following command:aws lambda delete-function --function-name $FUNCTIONNAME --region $LOCATION aws iam detach-role-policy --role-name $FUNCTIONNAME\_lambda\_role --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole aws iam delete-role --role-name $FUNCTIONNAME\_lambda\_role aws s3 rm s3://$BUCKET_NAME --recursive --region $LOCATION aws s3api delete-bucket --bucket $BUCKET_NAME --region $LOCATION rm template.json template.json.bak
You may also want to manually delete the API Gateway that you created earlier.