Using Sweep out configurations

You can employ the sweep out option for the entire audit data without any limitations or restrictions of TTL or minimum data count.

Sweep out option supports the following configurations to manage your audit data:

  • The default Sweep out configuration is atlas.audit.sweep.out.enabled=true. The default value is false (disabled).

    To delete entire audit data for specific entity types and audit action types can be configured with the following properties:
    • atlas.audit.sweep.out.entity.types=<List of entity types> With sweep out option enabled, by default it is NOT applicable for any entity or action types. You can override the configuration with specific entity or action types.
    • atlas.audit.sweep.out.action.types=<List of audit action types> With sweep out option enabled, by default it is NOT applicable for any entity or action types. You can override the configuration with specific entity or action types.

Use cases detailing the usage of the Sweep out option using specific configurations.

Sweep out action Applicable configuration

Delete entire audit data for hive_column and hive_storagedesc


Delete entity update events for all entity types



Delete all entity update events for hive_table


