You can use the cascading filters to determine how the selections interact. Remember
that there are 39 possible categories of police incidents, distributed across 10 policing
Open the dashboard in View mode.
Use the first application filter, datetime, to limit the date
range to the 2010 calendar year. Start on 2010-01-01, end with 2010-12-31.
Click APPLY.
In the second filter, category, select the value BAD
In the third filter, pddistrict, you can see that the value for
PARK is missing. There are only 9 policing districts available in the
This is the result of filtering based on category BAD CHECK and date
range 2010-01-01 through 2010-12-31. The resulting
subset of data in the dataset does not include rows where pddistrict
equals PARK.
If you select another date range, such as years 2008 through 2014, all 10 districts
show up on the pddistrict filter.
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