SheetsPDF version

Reordering sheet IDs to match positions

Cloudera Data Visualization allows you to reassign the sheet IDs based on their new order within the dashboard after reordering or deleting sheets. This ensures consistency between sheet IDs and the display order of the actual sheets.

In addition to their names, each sheet in the dashboard has a unique identifier, which is visible in the sheet’s URL. This unique ID helps you to easily differentiate between various sheets within the dashboard.

The IDs are assigned based on the original order of the sheets. When sheets are repositioned or removed, the ID sequence can lose alignment with the current sheet order. To maintain a coherent reference system, you can reassign sheet IDs based on their new order.

  1. Open the dashboard in Edit mode.
  2. Hover over the icon at the bottom left corner of the Dashboard Designer interface and click the icon that appears next to it.
  3. Select Reorder sheet IDs to match positions from the pop-up menu.
    Sheet IDs are automatically reassigned based on the new order of sheets.
  4. Click SAVE to save all changes to the dashboard.

The new sheet ID numbering now corresponds to the order of the sheets on the dashboard.