Creating new roles

Administrators with Manage roles and users privilege can introduce new roles into the Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) system.

Follow these steps demonstrate to create a new role.

  1. On the main navigation bar, click the (gear) icon.
  2. Select Manage Roles from the drop-down menu.
  3. Click NEW ROLE.

    The Role definition interface appears, open on the Privileges tab.

  4. Name and save the new role.
    1. In the Name field, provide a distinctive name for the new role.
      In this example, Test Role 1 is used.
    2. In the Description field, add a brief purpose or context for the new role.
    3. Click SAVE.
  5. To verify that the role exits, click Roles at the top of the menu.

    You should see the newly created role in the roles list.

Proceed by defining Role privileges and Editing role assignments as needed for the newly established role.