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Shelves for timelines

Cloudera Data Visualization Timeline visuals have the following shelves.

This shelf is required and it is limited to one field.

You can add a time dimension from the DATA menu to specify the starting point of the analyzed timescale.

This shelf is required and it is limited to one field.

You can add a time dimension from the DATA menu to specify the ending point of the analyzed timescale.

This shelf is required and it accepts multiple fields.

You can add one or more dimensions that uniquely identify the elements on the Y axis.

This shelf is optional and it is limited to one field.

You can define how colors are used in the visual.

This shelf is optional and it accepts multiple fields.

You can add measures from the DATA menu for additional information in the graph's tooltips.

This shelf accepts multiple fields.

You can define what information should appear in the graph as data labeling.

This shelf is optional and it accepts multiple fields.

You can use a dimension field from the DATA menu to trellis the visual into columns.

This shelf is optional and it accepts multiple fields.

You can use fields from the DATA menu to trellis the visual into rows.

This shelf is optional and it accepts multiple fields.

You can add measures and dimensions from the DATA menu to set exclude or include criteria for the visual.