Filter associations API

Cloudera Data Visualization provides URL access to the Cloudera Data Visualization server object, filter association.

The filter association data field is a complex structure that matches the Filter Association edit screen.

This article includes the following topics:

Segment Data Types

The JSON fields for role's data type are defined as follows:

Table 1. JSON Fields for Filter Association Data Type
Field Detail Only Updatable Description
id No No Filter association ID
name No Yes Filter association name
dataset_id No No Dataset ID for the filter association
created Yes No Shows the creation date for this filter association
created_by Yes No Username of the filter association creator
updated Yes No Shows the most recent update for this filter association
updated_by Yes No Username of the filter association updater
users Yes Yes List of user IDs to which the filter association applies
groups Yes Yes List of group IDs to which this filter association applies
data Yes Yes List of segments that make up this filter association, as described in Data Field Detail

Data Field Detail

The Cloudera Data Visualization filter association data field is a complex structure with the following specification:

Field Description
id ID of segment applied to filter association
group Name of the group to which the identified segment belongs
negate Indicates that the filter association defines the rows NOT IN the segment, rather than IN the segment