SheetsPDF version

Cloning an external sheet in a dashboard

In Cloudera Data Visualization, you can clone a sheet from another dashboard, and import it into your current dashboard.

  1. Open the dashboard in Edit mode.
  2. At the bottom of the interface, hover over the (plus) icon next to the right-most sheet title.
    A new widget, the (up) icon, appears to the right of the (plus) icon.
  3. Click the (up) icon.
  4. In the menu, select Import Sheet.
  5. In the Pick a dashboard modal window, make the selection in the following manner:
    1. Select the dataset.
    2. Select the dashboard.
    3. Select the particular sheet that you plan to import.
    4. Click the dashboard.

    Cloudera Data Visualization creates a clone of the external sheet, and imports it into the dashboard, placing it on the extreme right.

  6. Rename the sheet and click SAVE to save the all changes to the dashboard.