Changing schedule intervals

Cloudera Data Visualization allows you to change custom the schedule intervals that you defined for your scheduled jobs.

To edit an existing schedule, follow these steps:

  1. In the Manage Schedule Intervals interface, click the Pencil icon that corresponds to the schedule interval you are changing.

    The Edit Schedule Interval modal appears.

  2. Adjust the time selection according to your needs.

    In this example, the time selection is adjusted to compensate for the differernce of 7 hours between UTC and local time (PDT). Because local time is 7 hour behind UTC, you must add 7 in this interface to achieve the intended notification time of 04:00 and 16:00 local time (PDT). So, change the hour parameter from 4 and 16 to 11 and 23.

  3. Click SAVE.

The updated interval appears in the Manage Schedule Intervals interface.