Using Filter Widgets on DashboardsPDF version

Moving filter widgets on a dashboard

Cloudera Data Visualization displays dashboard filters across the top of the dashboard by default, but you can move them around as needed.

  1. Hover over the filter. When the configuration options appear, click the Move icon to move the filter to the grid area of the dashboard.

    The filter is now available among the other visuals of the dashboard. The appearance of the filter has changed significantly. It is represented as a simple white rectangle without search options.

  2. To return the filter to the filter area, hover over the filter. When the configuration options appear, click the Move icon to move the filter onto the filter area of the application.

  1. On the right side of the Dashboard Designer, click Style > Filters.

  2. Select Align filters on the left.

    To return the filters to the top, deselect this option.

The visual on the left has filters across the top, and the visual on the right has filters on the left side.