VisualsPDF version


In Cloudera Data Visualization, you can use extension visuals to add supporting textual, image, or behavioral aspects to your dashboard.

The following steps demonstrate how to create a simple extension visual with text content and minor HTML formatting.

  1. Start a new visual based on the US State Populations Over Time dataset.
    For instructions, see Creating a visual.
  2. Select Extension in the VISUALS menu.
    The shelves of the have visual changed. This visual type has a single text box for entering and editing text or markup.
  3. Click the (expand) icon or the link in the Dashboard Designer to open the HTML editor.
    The editor modal window has two columns: one for code and the other one for preview.
  4. Paste a code block in the text box for code.

    In this example, the following code block is used:

    <h1>2010 United States Census</h1>
    <p>From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia</p>
    <h2>General information</h2>
    <li>Country: United States</li>
    <li>Date taken: April 1, 2010</li>
    <li>Total population: 308,745,538</li>
    <li>Percent change: Increase 9.7%</li>
    <li>Most populous state: California (37,253,956)</li>
    <li>Least populous state: Wyoming (563,626)</li>
    <p>The 2010 United States Census, known as "Census 2010", is the twenty-third 
    and most recent United States national census. National Census Day, the reference 
    day used for the census, was April 1, 2010. As part of a drive to increase the 
    count's accuracy, 635,000 temporary enumerators were hired. The population of 
    the United States was counted as 308,745,538, a 9.7% increase from the 2000 Census.</p>
  5. Click REFRESH PREVIEW to view the changes in the preview column.

    The formatted text appears in the preview area of the HTML editor. You can make further edits to the HTML code and check the changes by refreshing the preview again.

    If you do not need the autocomplete function, uncheck the Autocomplete on option.

  6. Click APPLY to save the changes.
    If you do not want to apply your changes, click CANCEL or just close the modal window.
  7. Change the title to 2010 Census Information.
    [Optional] You can also add a brief description of the visual as a subtitle below the title of the visualization.
  8. Click SAVE at the top left corner of the Dashboard Designer.
Your visual should look something like this:

For more sophisticated uses of the Extension visual, see Examples of extensions.