Release NotesPDF version

Known issues and limitations in Data Visualization 7.0.0

Learn about the known issues and limitations that you might experience while using Cloudera Data Visualization. You can find information about the areas of impact, affected product versions, and possible workarounds.

CANCEL button on Edit User or New User modal needs to be clicked twice
Clicking the CANCEL button in the Edit User or New User modals may display an unexpected validation error instead of closing the modal.
The error can be bypassed by clicking CANCEL a second time.
Versions affected:
Cloudera Data Visualization 7.0.0 - 7.0.1
Fixed in version:
Cloudera Data Visualization 7.0.2
Cloudera issue:
Excel or streaming CSV download error for Boolean data types
When the Number of rows downloaded during CSV/Excel export and Detailed Data setting is applied for Excel downloads (all connections) or CSV downloads (Impala/Hive connections), Boolean data types will cause download error.
To resolve this issue, cast the Boolean data as a string or number.
Versions affected:
Cloudera Data Visualization 7.0.0
Fixed in version:
Cloudera Data Visualization 7.0.1
Cloudera issue:
Custom background color assignment on dimensions or measures not possible
Cannot fix colors for specific dimension values or numeric ranges when adding background colors to tables or crosstabs.
To resolve this issue, add such basic custom styles into the application.
Versions affected:
Cloudera Data Visualization 7.0.0 - 7.0.3
Fixed in version:
Cloudera issue:
VIZ-1580 & VIZ-1060
Histogram visual fails with an execution error “ is not a function”
Versions affected:
Cloudera Data Visualization 6.2.6 - 7.1.4
Fixed in version:
Cloudera Data Visualization 7.1.4-b74
Cloudera issue:
Partitioned Cloudera Impala on premise extract tables cannot be updated

Tables in Cloudera Impala that are both partitioned and set as extract targets cannot be updated directly. This prevents operations such as dropping or adding new partitions.


Move the data to a new table that supports altering commands. Then replace the original extract table by renaming the newly created table. Optionally, you can create a backup of the original table before replacing it.

A sample SQL workflow is provided below. Customize the components marked in blue, while the remaining parts of the query are standard.

  1. Create a temporary table (database_name.new_table_name) that supports altering.

    create table database_name.cdv_table_name_new (table_definition) partitioned by (partition_field string) tblproperties('transactional'='false');
  2. Copy existing data from the original extract target.

    insert into database_name.cdv_table_name_new partition(partition_field) select * from database_name.cdv_table_name;
  3. [Optional] Save the original extract target as a backup.

    alter table database_name.cdv_table_name rename to database_name.cdv_table_name_bak;
  4. Make the temporary table the current extract target.

    alter table database_name.cdv_table_name_new rename to database_name.cdv_table_name;
Versions affected:
Cloudera Data Visualization 7.2.8 and all earlier versions
Fixed in version:
Cloudera Data Visualization 7.2.9
Cloudera issue: