Data Visualization
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Cloudera Data Visualization
Top Tasks
Deploying Cloudera Data Visualization
Deploying Cloudera Data Visualization in Cloudera Data Warehouse
Deploying Cloudera Data Visualization in Cloudera AI
Deploying Cloudera Data Visualization in Cloudera Data Science Workbench
Connecting to a data source
Cloudera AI data connection to Impala
Cloudera AI data connection to Hive
Cloudera Data Warehouse data connection
CDSW data connection
Creating a visual
Release Notes
What's new
Older releases
December 17, 2021 - CVE-2021-44228
December 10, 2021
November 8, 2021
September 30, 2021
August 24, 2021
July 30, 2021
June 4, 2021
April 29, 2021
April 7, 2021
February 26, 2021
February 2, 2021
December 15, 2020
December 3, 2020
October 30, 2020
Known issues
Older releases
Data Visualization in Cloudera
User interface
Data connections
User impersonation in Cloudera Data Warehouse
Data extracts
Data modeling
Data joins
What is a visual?
Visual Builder
What is a dashboard?
Dashboard Designer
What is an application?
App Designer
Private workspace
Public workspace
Custom workspace
Artifact Migration
Export and import
Supported visual artifacts
Data compatibility
Job runs
Scheduled jobs
Schedule intervals
Job details
Logs and Usage
Activity Log
Usage Analytics [Technical Preview]
Daily Usage
WebServer Stats
Current Load
WebServer Log
Notification center
Filters and Parameters
Filter shelves
Filter scope
Filter widgets
Syntax for using parameters
Natural Language Search
Natural language search UI
Search results
Search bookmarks
Search history
Search types
Global search
Security model
Role-based access control
Role privileges
All groups requirement
RBAC setup for dataset publishing
Advanced Analytics
Advanced Analytics overview
Complex data types
STRUCT data type
ARRAY data type
MAP data type
Dimension hierarchies
Visuals for analytics
Combined bar/line visuals
Advanced visualization techniques
Trellised visuals
Derived data
Using Cloudera Data Visualization in Cloudera Data Warehouse
Deploying Cloudera Data Visualization in Cloudera Data Warehouse
Editing and deleting Cloudera Data Visualization instances
Upgrading Cloudera Data Visualization
Backing up and restoring Cloudera Data Visualization
Using Cloudera Data Visualization in Cloudera AI
Deploying Cloudera Data Visualization in Cloudera AI
Using Data Discovery and Visualization
Upgrading Cloudera Data Visualization
Restoring a Cloudera Data Visualization version
Using Cloudera Data Visualization in Cloudera Data Science Workbench
Deploying Cloudera Data Visualization in Cloudera Data Science Workbench
Using Cloudera Data Visualization in air-gapped Cloudera Data Science Workbench deployment
Understand the UI
Set up your data
Create a data connection
Creating a dataset
Create a visual
Create a dashboard
Create an app
How To: Connections
Connecting to Data
Connecting to a data source
Cloudera AI data connection to Impala
Cloudera AI data connection to Hive
Cloudera Data Warehouse data connection
CDSW data connection
Managing data connections
Editing a data connection
Setting concurrency for a data connection
Setting warning if query loads for too long
Deleting a data connection
Connection Explorer
Discovering Connection Explorer
Previewing data table details
Direct Access
Running a SQL query
Downloading query results
Adding data
Importing data in CSV format
Adding data through URL
Changing locale setting
Preparing Excel files for data import
Working with Data
Working with datasets
Creating a dataset
Finding a dataset
Cloning a dataset
Deleting a dataset
Exploring dataset details
Join elimination
Result cache
SQL for first table
Information on creation date and updates
Checking related dashboards
Tracking dataset versions [Technical Preview]
Changing dataset fields
Editing dataset fields
Hiding dataset fields from applications
Changing field aggregation
Creating calculated fields
Changing the field display format
Currency field display
Custom field display
Custom Javascript field display
Changing data type
Specifying geographic fields
Adding field comments
Adding field comments in dataset
Viewing field comments in Visual Builder
Automatically renaming dataset fields
Custom renaming dataset fields
Refreshing a dataset
Editing datasets based on a SQL query
Restricting columns in datasets based on SQL query
Restricting rows in datasets based on SQL query
Working with data models
Creating a join
Changing join types
Editing join details
Deleting a join
Applying field display format
Working with data profiling
Working with data extracts
Creating a data extract
Exploring data extract details
Running a data extract
Creating dataset from data extract
Editing a data extract
Deleting a data extract
How To: Visualization
Creating a visual
Cloning a visual
Linking visuals
Unlinking visuals
Emailing a visual
Exporting a visual
Importing a visual
Downloading visuals
Downloading a visual as PNG file
Downloading a visual as PDF file
Downloading visual data to CSV file
Downloading visual data to Excel file
Removing a visual
Deleting a visual
Adding filters to a visual
Exploring visual options
Visual type catalog
Shelves for tables
Saving tables
Saving a table as a materialized table
Saving a table as a logical view
Saving a table as a dataset based on the query
Cross tabulation
Displaying totals with data expansion
Configuring a cross tabulation visual for expansion
Displaying subtotals and totals
Hiding data and subtotal rows
Shelves for cross tabulation
Filtering by year
Filtering by region
Horizontal bars
Stacked bars
Labelled bars
Shelves for bars
Lines with dual axes
Shelves for lines
Combined bar/line visuals
Creating basic combos
Using secondary axis
Change line to area
Shelves for combos
Using trellis option with areas
Using trellis option with independent scale
Shelves for areas
Grouped bars
Shelves for grouped bars
Shelves for KPIs
Shelves for gauges
Row listing
Shelves for row listing visuals
Shelves for bullets
Box plot
Shelves for box plots
Packed bubbles
Shelves for packed bubbles
Word cloud
Trellised word clouds
Shelves for word clouds
Basic scatter
Adding size
Adding transition animation
Adding trellis
Shelves for scatters
Shelves for pies
Trellised radial
Shelves for radials
Shelves for chords
Shelves for networks
Advanced options for networks
Same source and target data values
Link color menu
Link color shelf
Link width shelf
Link legend
Node size shelves
Nodes color menu
Node color shelves
Node legend
Shelves for dendrograms
Shelves for treemaps
Correlation heatmap
Shelves for correlation heatmaps
Correlation flow
Shelves for correlation flows
Calendar heatmaps
Shelves for calendar heatmaps
Choropleth country map
Country map, bubbles
State map, choropleth
State map, bubbles
County map, choropleth
County map, bubbles
Zipcode map, bubbles
Lat/long map, bubbles
Choropleth DMA map
Province map, choropleth
Province map, bubbles
Choropleth Canadian postal code map
Canadian postal code map, bubbles
Shelves for maps
Interactive maps
Basic interactive map
Choropleth interactive maps
Interactive maps, multiple dimensions
Interactive maps, multiple measures
Changing the map server
Changing layer options
Plotting routes
Using alphabetic values
Segmenting data qualitatively
Shelves for interactive maps
Using sparklines
Shelves for sparklines
AI visual
Shelves for AI visual
Shelves for timelines
External link visuals
Setting up dynamic external links
Shelves for external links
Bucket count
Data range
Normalized histograms
Cumulative option
Shelves for histograms
Examples of extensions
Rich texts
Inserting URL links
Inserting tables
Inserting images from local machine
Inserting images from static assets
Resizing images
Inserting videos
Field statistics
SQL queries
Creating a dashboard
Customizing dashboard layout
Opening a dashboard
Cloning a dashboard
Adding a dashboard to favorites
Setting a dashboard as homepage
Getting dashboard URL
Emailing a dashboard
Downloading a dashboard
Downloading dashboard as PNG
Downloading dashboard as PDF
Downloading current sheet as PDF
Downloading all sheets as PDF
Downloading current sheet with one visual per page as PDF
Exporting a dashboard
Importing a dashboard
Moving a dashboard
Cloning linked visuals
Moving linked visuals
Moving dashboards between workspaces
Refreshing visuals manually
Deleting a dashboard
Creating a new sheet
Adding visuals to a sheet
Adding a filter to a sheet
Renaming a sheet
Reordering sheets
Reordering sheet IDs
Cloning a sheet
Cloning an internal sheet in a dashboard
Cloning an external sheet in a dashboard
Downloading a sheet
Downloading dashboard as PNG
Downloading all sheets as PDF
Downloading current sheet as PDF
Downloading current sheet with one visual per page as PDF
Emailing sheets
Deleting a sheet
Creating a new application
Adding tabs to applications
Removing a tab from an application
Adding dashboards to tabs
Removing a dashboard from a tab
Changing datasets in applications
Rearranging dashboards
Rearranging tabs
Launching applications
Moving apps between workspaces
Cloning an application
Exporting an app
Importing an application
Deleting an app
Creating a workspace
Editing a workspace
Deleting a workspace
Data Discovery with Context Menus
Using context menu options
Drill-down and drill-up data discovery
Drill-through data discovery
Drill-into data discovery
Limiting drill-into options
Filtering all visuals in a dashboard
Prepare target visuals
Prepare source visuals
Prepare and use the dashboard
Discovering detailed data behind a visual
Filter data with the include option
Filter data with the exclude option
Filtering data with legends
How To: Monitoring
Monitoring Dashboard Performance
Showing usage information
How To: Advanced Analytics
Working with Dimension Hierarchies
Creating new dimension hierarchies
Changing the name of the hierarchy
Changing the order of components in the hierarchy
Adding levels to the hierarchy
Removing levels from the hierarchy
Deleting dimension hierarchies
Hierarchy drill into support on the color shelf
Working with Segments
Creating segments
Cloning segments
Editing segments
Creating entity segments
Deleting segments
Creating segments from filter definitions
Using segments in visuals
Working with Events
Creating events
Cloning events
Editing events
Deleting events
Using Advanced Visualization Techniques
Trellis on dimensions
Trellis on measures
Multiple measure analysis
Line visuals with dual axes
Working with dimension hierarchies
Hierarchical cross tabulation visuals
Adding highlights to visuals
Using Analytic Functions
Supported connections
Using analytic functions - basic steps
Setting up a basic visual for aggregates
Setting up a basic visual for single values
Previous value analytic function
Difference from previous value analytic function
Percentage difference from previous value analytic function
Next value analytic function
Difference from next value analytic function
Percentage difference from next value analytic function
Row number function
Rank analytic function
Dense rank analytic function
Moving average analytic function
Percent of group analytic function
Running total analytic function
Working with Derived Data
Defining derived data
Defining additional derived data
Using derived data
Viewing derived data definitions
Saving derived data with full context
Deleting derived data definitions
Working with Legends in Visuals
Highlighting elements by hovering over legend
Filtering on an element
How To: Customization
Customizing settings
General settings
Enabling animations
Enabling Drill Into data discovery
Basic visual settings
Bucket count
Normalized histograms
Cumulative option
Downloads settings
Enabling CSV download
Enabling quotation marks in CSV download
Enabling Excel download in visuals
Setting the locale for CSV downloads
Axes for visuals
Changing axis scale
Changing axes scale for radial graphs
Enabling gridlines
Enabling continuous axis for date/time values
Change padding on X axis
Change padding on Y axis
Starting aggregate scale at zero
Changing min/max of aggregate scale
Showing or hiding axis labels
Change dimension text size
Showing or hiding axis
Reversing axis scale
Dynamically sizing graph
Setting maximum row label length
Setting column label length
Enabling continuous X axis
Changing scale of continuous X axis
Enabling continuous Y axis
Changing scale of continuous Y axis
Enabling continuous axis on dimensions
Changing scale of continuous axis on dimensions
Data for visuals
Ordering NULL rows
Changing number of rows to download
Changing maximum number of rows to fetch
Disabling incremental queries
Displaying NULL rows
Enabling URL links
Specifying qualitative range as percentages
Changing link color
Changing link opacity
Changing link width range
Changing link distance
Changing link strength
Adding arrow direction to links
Changing direction arrow size
Adding link legend
Changing links legend name
Map options
Selecting map view
Displaying tooltips
Showing detail data button in context menu
Showing context menu
Showing table data as HTML
Showing adjacent duplicate values
Showing expansion totals above expansion rows
Displaying title for subtotal rows
Adding and removing legend
Changing legend item width
Changing legend width
Reversing legend order
Displaying a linear trendline
Separating trendlines by color
Changing trendline number of decimals
Showing a selection brush for ranges
Showing measure values inside bars
Changing bar size range
Separating histogram columns
Showing dimension values on hovering
Showing points
Ignoring missing date values
Changing line shape
Changing line style
Changing highlight type
Converting line to area visual
Changing highlight of radius
Changing mark size range
Changing transition delay
Showing autoplay transition animation
Showing dimensions as marks
Showing percentages as marks
Changing number of decimals
Changing display to overlap
Showing the same source and destination values
Changing size of chord visual
Displaying bubbles on maps
Changing layout gravity
Changing layout theta
Showing node labels
Tokenizing input
Displaying gauge needle
Displaying gauge line on qualitative arc
Displaying axis ticks
Changing outer width
Changing qualitative thickness
Changing arc gap
Changing arc thickness
Changing label font size
Changing label offset
Changing sublabel font size
Changing sublabel offset
Making box plots horizontal
Changing outline width
Changing font size of main indicator
Changing value of main indicator
Using same color for main indicator as arrow
Displaying first measure as main indicator
Changing compare indicator value
Changing compare indicator position
Changing arrow type
Flipping compare indicator
Changing label indicator position
Changing label indicator font size
Ignoring negative values
Changing approximate tick count
Orienting bars vertically
Removing default label
Staying at same map location
Setting minimum cell size
Remembering node positions
Showing same source and target values
Changing source node mark
Changing target node mark
Changing combined node mark
Changing node size range
Changing node friction
Changing node charge
Changing node opacity
Showing node labels
Adding nodes legend
Changing nodes legend name
Using parameters with explicit scope
Sending parameters with dataset scope
Sending aggregates as parameters
Map server
Customizing map server
Specifying mapbox key for visual
Specifying atlas mapbox server for visual
Map style
Changing map style of visual
Adding custom mapbox style
Specifying choropleth layer ID
Specifying choropleth opacity
Displaying legend in choropleth map
Remembering location of map
Displaying heatmap
Changing heatmap radius
Changing intensity magnification
Showing heatmap legend
Changing visible zoom levels in heatmap
Displaying cluster
Changing cluster color
Changing cluster radius
Displaying circles
Displaying color legend
Displaying area legend
Changing circle radius range
Changing visible zoom levels in circles
Routes and pins
Enabling routes
Enabling pins
Selecting pin types
Selecting start pin type
Selecting middle pin type
Selecting end pin type
Specifying a custom icon
Changing custom icon size
Showing percentage
Specifying label for percentage
Changing number of decimals for percentage
Changing tooltip font size
Changing tooltip font family
Displaying trellis borders
Enabling independent axis scale
Setting minimum trellis cell width
Setting minimum trellis cell height
Enabling pan and zoom
Enabling zoom to active areas
Customizing visual style
Visual basics
Changing font family
Changing font size
Changing background color
Table styles
Changing table templates
Changing cross tabulation header alignment
Adjusting table width
Wrapping column contents
Showing column totals
Showing header for column totals
Showing column page totals
Showing header for column page totals
Specifying totals column font weight
Specifying maximum number of columns
Showing row information
Showing pagination
Specifying number of rows per page
Showing header column
Showing header column borders
Adjusting table column width
Table styles
Adjusting cross tabulation width
Adjusting cross tabulation column width
Changing cross tabulation header font
Changing table header font size
Changing cross tabulation header font weight
Changing cross tabulation cell padding
Changing cross tabulation border width
Showing cross tabulation column totals
Showing cross tabulation row totals
Specifying font weight for totals column in cross tabulation
Specifying font weight for totals row in cross tabulation
Changing cross tabulation header alignment
Changing cross tabulation content alignment
Table and cross tabulation colors
Changing table header background color
Changing table header text color
Changing table odd rows background color
Changing table even rows background color
Changing table odd rows text color
Changing table even rows text color
Changing table border color
Changing totals row background color
Changing totals row text color
Visual titles
Changing font family in the title of a visual
Changing font size in the title of a visual
Changing font weight in the title of a visual
Changing text alignment in the title of a visual
Hiding the title of a visual
Visual subtitles
Changing font family in the subtitle of a visual
Changing font size in the subtitle of a visual
Changing text alignment in the subtitle of a visual
Visual axes and labels
Axis label font size in a visual
Ticks font size in a visual
Label font size in a visual
Label text color in a visual
Trellis font size in a visual
Legend font size in a visual
Changing tooltip font family
Changing tooltip font size
Aggregate row styles
Changing font style in the aggregate row of a visual
Changing font weight in the aggregate row of a visual
Customizing visual colors
Reverse color palette of visuals
Visual color palette
Colors option
Foreground color
Pointer color
Background color
Arrow color
Color opacity on visuals
Link color
Drop off color
Highlight color
Projection opacity
Background opacity
Consistent colors on dimension values
Colors for specified values
Colors for KPI visuals
Adding custom styles to visuals
Adding CSS classes to visuals
Adding included styles to visuals
Searching custom styles in visuals
Sorting custom styles in visuals
Adding inline CSS code to visuals
Customizing general settings for dashboards
Changing dashboard width
Enabling animations
Enabling manual refresh of visuals
Adjusting horizontal margins
Adjusting vertical margins
Displaying a visual in full screen
Adjusting detailed data columns
Displaying filter selections for each visual
Displaying context menus in visuals
Overriding visual style settings
Adjusting automatic refresh
Enabling or disabling case sensitive dashboard filters
Enabling viewing data in dashboard visuals
Rendering visuals after filters in dashboards
Customizing download settings for dashboards
Enabling PNG and PDF download for dashboards
Changing dashboard scale for PDFs
Selecting page size for PDF downloads
Selecting page orientation for PDF downloads
Enabling headers/footers when printing in PDF
Enabling CSV/Excel download for dashboard visuals
Enabling email for a dashboard
Showing borders around visuals
Customizing dashboard style
Basics styles
Dashboard text color
Dashboard background color
Dashboard page background color
Dashboard titles styles
Dashboard titles font family
Dashboard titles font size
Dashboard titles font weight
Dashboard titles text color
Dashboard titles background color
Dashboard titles alignment
Hiding dashboard titles
Dashboard subtitles styles
Dashboard subtitles font family
Dashboard subtitles font size
Dashboard subtitles text color
Dashboard subtitles background color
Dashboard subtitles alignment
Dashboard filter styles
Aligning dashboard filters
Using filter labels inline
Hiding filters line separator
Hiding borders for filters in dashboards
Changing dashboard filter font
Changing dashboard filter font size
Changing text color for dashboard filter
Changing selected text color for dashboard filter
Changing container color for dashboard filter
Changing background color for dashboard filter
Visual basics styles in dashboards
Visual basic font family in dashboards
Visual basic font size in dashboards
Visual basic background color in dashboards
Visual border styles in dashboards
Show borders on visuals in dashboards
Change visual border color in dashboards
Change visual border radius in dashboards
Visual titles styles in dashboard
Visual title font family in dashboards
Visual title font size in dashboards
Visual title font weight in dashboards
Visual title text color in dashboards
Visual title background color in dashboards
Visual title alignment in dashboards
Visual subtitles styles in dashboard
Visual subtitle font family in dashboards
Visual subtitle font size in dashboards
Visual subtitle text color in dashboards
Visual subtitle background color in dashboards
Visual subtitle alignment in dashboards
Visual axes and labels styles in dashboards
Axis label font size in dashboards
Axis ticks font size in dashboards
Visual label font size in dashboards
Visual label title text color in dashboards
Visual trellis font size in dashboards
Visual legend font size in dashboards
Tooltips in dashboards
Tooltip font family in dashboards
Tooltip font size in dashboards
Adding custom styles to dashboards
Adding CSS classes to dashboards
Adding included styles to dashboards
Searching custom styles in dashboards
Sorting custom styles in dashboards
Adding inline CSS code to dashboards
Resetting dashboard style
Customization example for multi-page table visuals
Changing application style
Customizing menu bar style for applications
Menu on left
Background color
Bottom bar color
Selected color
Customizing menu text for apps
Font family
Font size
Font weight
Text color
Selected text color
Customizing logo for apps
Logo image
Logo width
Logo height
Logo top margin
Logo left margin
Customizing app background
App background color
Dashboard shadow
Adding custom styles to apps
Adding CSS classes to applications
Adding included styles to applications
Adding inline CSS code to apps
Enabling navigation from logo
Field Properties
Adding and removing aggregates
Customizing date/time functions
Adjusting text display options
Customizing analytic functions
Changing field type
Customizing order and top K
Customizing enter/edit expressions
Customizing calculated display
Enabling expansion
Customizing display format
Real number
Using custom display configurations
Using custom display formats for large numbers
Customizing display format using Javascript
Using alias
Changing column position
Customizing description
Duplicating an item
Setting your homepage from a dashboard
Setting your homepage with Set Homepage
Setting default homepage for all users
Resetting homepage to default
How To: Natural Language Search
Configuring Natural Language Search
Enabling Search in Site Settings
Enabling a dataset for NLS
Specifying a group for a dataset
Specifying fields for a dataset
Specifying synonyms for a dataset
Specifying default aggregation field for a dataset
Specifying suggested questions for dataset
Specifying word substitutions for a dataset
Configuring date and time
Using Natural Language Search
Using Search in embedded mode
Working with search visuals
Creating a search visual
Using the search visual in a dashboard
Changing dataset search domain
Changing result visual type through explore
How To: Development
Filter Scope
Setting explicit scope for filters
Setting dataset scope for filters
Setting app scope for filters
Filter Shelves
Selecting discrete values on filter shelves
Selecting a range of number values on filter shelves
Selecting a string pattern for values on filter shelves
Selecting a range of dates on filter shelves
Selecting values by using an expression on filter shelves
Click Behavior Between Visuals
Creating control visual
Creating target visual
Creating application and enabling click
Enabling Click Receive on target visual
Exploring Click behavior
Using Filter Widgets on Dashboards
Creating dataset filters
Creating custom filters
Creating date and time filters
Using fixed dates mode
Using relative dates mode
Using quick filters
Including null values in date filters
Setting parameters through URL
Customizing output parameters
Configuring ranges on a date/time filter
Configuring data options for a dashboard filter
Configuring display settings for a dashboard filter
Displaying a textbox parameter
Changing the width of the filter text box
Entering values manually
Using single value mode with radio buttons
Selecting all values
Using single value with dropdown menu
Displaying distinct parameters
Hiding filters
Remembering previous selections when searching
Using multi-select mode
Configuring dashboard filter scope
Configuring custom style for a dashboard filter
Configuring custom style using CSS code
Moving filter widgets
Receiving Parameters in Dashboards
Visuals with optional dimensions
Filters to control optional dimensions
Visuals with optional measures
Filters to control optional measures
Visuals with variable dimensions
Filters controling variable dimensions
Visuals with variable measures
Filters controling variable measures
Configuring Cascading Filters
Creating dashboard
Adding filters to dashboard
Configuring filters and enabling cascading filter interaction
Exploring dashboard filter interaction
Embedding apps with client pages
Embedding apps with unauthenticated access
Embedding apps with trusted authentication
Overview of trusted authentication process
Enabling trusted authentication
Authenticating embedded requests
Embedding a dashboard without header
Embedding a jobs status page without header
How To: Administration
Creating new email jobs
Rerunning jobs
Deleting job logs
Pausing and resuming jobs
Changing job owner
Editing jobs
Deleting scheduled jobs
Creating new schedule intervals
Editing schedule intervals
Deleting schedule intervals
Users and User Groups
Creating new user accounts
Editing accounts
Changing user passwords
Promoting a user to administrator
Creating new administrator accounts
Inactivating user accounts
Assigning roles to users
Assigning roles to a single user
Assigning roles to multiple users
Assigning multiple roles to multiple users
Deleting user accounts
Deleting individual user accounts
Deleting several user accounts
Creating new user groups
Editing user groups
Adding users to user groups
Adding a user to multiple groups; user modal
Adding multiple users to a single group; group modal
Adding multiple users to multiple groups; users tab
Assigning roles to user groups
Deleting user groups
URL Aliases
Managing URL aliases
Editing URL aliases
API Keys
Enabling API keys
Creating new API keys
Changing API keys
Deleting API keys
Email Templates
Creating new email templates
Changing email templates
Cloning email templates
Deleting email templates
Custom Styles
Adding custom styles to visuals
Defining site-wide custom styles
CSS custom styles
JavaScript custom styles
Modifying site-wide custom styles
Deleting site-wide custom styles
Searching site-wide custom styles
Sorting site-wide custom styles
Custom Colors
Managing custom colors
Creating new custom colors
Creating custom colors with distinct colors
Creating custom colors with gradient values
Creating custom colors with gradient percentages
Editing custom colors
Deleting custom colors
Custom Dates
Managing custom dates
Creating new custom date ranges
Cloning custom date ranges
Deleting custom date ranges
Static Assets
Managing static assets
Creating new assets
Viewing an existing asset
Changing existing assets
Automatically uploading assets
Deleting an existing asset
Site Settings
Site configuration
AI settings [Technical Preview]
Security and authentication
Debugging and logs
Version control
Help and support
Advanced settings
How To: Security
Working with User Roles
Creating new roles
Adding privileges
Setting system privileges
Setting role privileges
Setting connection privileges
Setting dataset privileges
Editing role assignments
Assigning roles to users
Assigning roles to user groups
Assigning multiple roles to multiple users
Deleting roles
Configuring Account Lockout
Configuring account lockout
Unlocking account
Publishing Datasets
Configuring dataset recipient roles
Publishing datasets
Configuring the dataset publisher role
Defining groups for teams and access levels
Assigning groups to roles
Assigning users to groups
Restricting Row-Level Access
Setting segments
Creating users and user groups
Setting roles
Setting filter associations
Verifying access restriction on a visual
Configuring User Authentication Using LDAP
Enabling LDAP authentication
Complex matching logic for group queries using LDAPGroupQuery()
How To: APIs
How-To Data APIs
Enabling Data APIs
Using API keys
Accessing Data API request payload
Migrating visual artifacts with REST APIs
Exporting with REST APIs
Importing with REST APIs
How-To Admin APIs
Enabling admin API support
Admin API demo page
Setting up a session
Retrieving or changing logging level
Data API
Data API
Data API request payload
Data API response payload
Example of data API usage
Admin API
Admin API
Admin API syntax and general usage
Admin API syntax parameters
Python Admin API data format and response
CURL data format and API key examples
Admin API Demo
Admin API demo examples
Data type details
Filter associations API
Custom Style Extensions for Javascript and CSS
Extension JS API endpoints
Extension JS API arcapi functions
Extension CSS APIs
Enumerated Values
Enumerated values
Display Formats
Display format reference
Standard format specifier
Format style table
Quantity prefixes
Additional format examples
Date/time formats
RBAC Permissions
Permission levels for role-based access
Email Job Parameters
Parameters for jobs
Email Development Recommendations
Email design best practices
Email development best practices
Supported metastores
Mobile devices
Internet browsers
Natural Language Search
Icons for search types
Terms for basic filters
Terms for ranking
Terms for aggregation
Terms for sorting
Terms for comparing data points
Terms for visual types
Terms for dimension field matching
Terms for time series
Accessing Data API request payload
Activity Log
Adding a dashboard to favorites
Adding a filter to a sheet
Adding a user to multiple groups; user modal
Adding and removing aggregates
Adding and removing legend
Adding arrow direction to links
Adding CSS classes to applications
Adding CSS classes to dashboards
Adding CSS classes to visuals
Adding custom mapbox style
Adding custom styles to apps
Adding custom styles to dashboards
Adding custom styles to visuals
Adding custom styles to visuals
Adding dashboards to tabs
Adding data
Adding data through URL
Adding field comments
Adding field comments in dataset
Adding filters to a visual
Adding filters to dashboard
Adding highlights to visuals
Adding included styles to applications
Adding included styles to dashboards
Adding included styles to visuals
Adding inline CSS code to apps
Adding inline CSS code to dashboards
Adding inline CSS code to visuals
Adding levels to the hierarchy
Adding link legend
Adding multiple users to a single group; group modal
Adding multiple users to multiple groups; users tab
Adding nodes legend
Adding privileges
Adding size
Adding tabs to applications
Adding transition animation
Adding trellis
Adding users to user groups
Adding visuals to a sheet
Additional format examples
Adjusting automatic refresh
Adjusting cross tabulation column width
Adjusting cross tabulation width
Adjusting detailed data columns
Adjusting horizontal margins
Adjusting table column width
Adjusting table width
Adjusting text display options
Adjusting vertical margins
Admin API
Admin API
Admin API Demo
Admin API demo examples
Admin API demo page
Admin API syntax and general usage
Admin API syntax parameters
Advanced Analytics
Advanced Analytics overview
Advanced options for networks
Advanced settings
Advanced visualization techniques
Aggregate row styles
AI settings [Technical Preview]
AI visual
Aligning dashboard filters
All groups requirement
API Keys
App background color
App Designer
Applying field display format
April 29, 2021
April 7, 2021
ARRAY data type
Arrow color
Artifact Migration
Assigning groups to roles
Assigning multiple roles to multiple users
Assigning multiple roles to multiple users
Assigning roles to a single user
Assigning roles to multiple users
Assigning roles to user groups
Assigning roles to user groups
Assigning roles to users
Assigning roles to users
Assigning users to groups
August 24, 2021
Authenticating embedded requests
Automatically renaming dataset fields
Automatically uploading assets
Axes for visuals
Axis label font size in a visual
Axis label font size in dashboards
Axis ticks font size in dashboards
Background color
Background color
Background opacity
Backing up and restoring Cloudera Data Visualization
Basic interactive map
Basic scatter
Basic visual settings
Basics styles
Bottom bar color
Box plot
Bucket count
Bucket count
Calendar heatmaps
Canadian postal code map, bubbles
CDSW data connection
CDSW data connection
Change dimension text size
Change line to area
Change padding on X axis
Change padding on Y axis
Change visual border color in dashboards
Change visual border radius in dashboards
Changing API keys
Changing application style
Changing approximate tick count
Changing arc gap
Changing arc thickness
Changing arrow type
Changing axes scale for radial graphs
Changing axis scale
Changing background color
Changing background color for dashboard filter
Changing bar size range
Changing circle radius range
Changing cluster color
Changing cluster radius
Changing column position
Changing combined node mark
Changing compare indicator position
Changing compare indicator value
Changing container color for dashboard filter
Changing cross tabulation border width
Changing cross tabulation cell padding
Changing cross tabulation content alignment
Changing cross tabulation header alignment
Changing cross tabulation header alignment
Changing cross tabulation header font
Changing cross tabulation header font weight
Changing custom icon size
Changing dashboard filter font
Changing dashboard filter font size
Changing dashboard scale for PDFs
Changing dashboard width
Changing data type
Changing dataset fields
Changing dataset search domain
Changing datasets in applications
Changing direction arrow size
Changing display to overlap
Changing email templates
Changing existing assets
Changing field aggregation
Changing field type
Changing font family
Changing font family in the subtitle of a visual
Changing font family in the title of a visual
Changing font size
Changing font size in the subtitle of a visual
Changing font size in the title of a visual
Changing font size of main indicator
Changing font style in the aggregate row of a visual
Changing font weight in the aggregate row of a visual
Changing font weight in the title of a visual
Changing heatmap radius
Changing highlight of radius
Changing highlight type
Changing intensity magnification
Changing job owner
Changing join types
Changing label font size
Changing label indicator font size
Changing label indicator position
Changing label offset
Changing layer options
Changing layout gravity
Changing layout theta
Changing legend item width
Changing legend width
Changing line shape
Changing line style
Changing link color
Changing link distance
Changing link opacity
Changing link strength
Changing link width range
Changing links legend name
Changing locale setting
Changing map style of visual
Changing mark size range
Changing maximum number of rows to fetch
Changing min/max of aggregate scale
Changing node charge
Changing node friction
Changing node opacity
Changing node size range
Changing nodes legend name
Changing number of decimals
Changing number of decimals for percentage
Changing number of rows to download
Changing outer width
Changing outline width
Changing qualitative thickness
Changing result visual type through explore
Changing scale of continuous axis on dimensions
Changing scale of continuous X axis
Changing scale of continuous Y axis
Changing selected text color for dashboard filter
Changing size of chord visual
Changing source node mark
Changing sublabel font size
Changing sublabel offset
Changing table border color
Changing table even rows background color
Changing table even rows text color
Changing table header background color
Changing table header font size
Changing table header text color
Changing table odd rows background color
Changing table odd rows text color
Changing table templates
Changing target node mark
Changing text alignment in the subtitle of a visual
Changing text alignment in the title of a visual
Changing text color for dashboard filter
Changing the field display format
Changing the map server
Changing the name of the hierarchy
Changing the order of components in the hierarchy
Changing the width of the filter text box
Changing tooltip font family
Changing tooltip font family
Changing tooltip font size
Changing tooltip font size
Changing totals row background color
Changing totals row text color
Changing transition delay
Changing trendline number of decimals
Changing user passwords
Changing value of main indicator
Changing visible zoom levels in circles
Changing visible zoom levels in heatmap
Checking related dashboards
Choropleth Canadian postal code map
Choropleth country map
Choropleth DMA map
Choropleth interactive maps
Click Behavior Between Visuals
Cloning a dashboard
Cloning a dataset
Cloning a sheet
Cloning a visual
Cloning an application
Cloning an external sheet in a dashboard
Cloning an internal sheet in a dashboard
Cloning custom date ranges
Cloning email templates
Cloning events
Cloning linked visuals
Cloning segments
Cloudera AI data connection to Hive
Cloudera AI data connection to Hive
Cloudera AI data connection to Impala
Cloudera AI data connection to Impala
Cloudera Data Visualization
Cloudera Data Warehouse data connection
Cloudera Data Warehouse data connection
Color opacity on visuals
Colors for KPI visuals
Colors for specified values
Colors option
Combined bar/line visuals
Combined bar/line visuals
Complex data types
Complex matching logic for group queries using LDAPGroupQuery()
Configuring a cross tabulation visual for expansion
Configuring Account Lockout
Configuring account lockout
Configuring Cascading Filters
Configuring custom style for a dashboard filter
Configuring custom style using CSS code
Configuring dashboard filter scope
Configuring data options for a dashboard filter
Configuring dataset recipient roles
Configuring date and time
Configuring display settings for a dashboard filter
Configuring filters and enabling cascading filter interaction
Configuring Natural Language Search
Configuring ranges on a date/time filter
Configuring the dataset publisher role
Configuring User Authentication Using LDAP
Connecting to a data source
Connecting to a data source
Connecting to Data
Connection Explorer
Consistent colors on dimension values
Converting line to area visual
Correlation flow
Correlation heatmap
Country map, bubbles
County map, bubbles
County map, choropleth
Create a dashboard
Create a data connection
Create a visual
Create an app
Creating a dashboard
Creating a data extract
Creating a dataset
Creating a dataset
Creating a join
Creating a new application
Creating a new sheet
Creating a search visual
Creating a visual
Creating a visual
Creating a workspace
Creating application and enabling click
Creating basic combos
Creating calculated fields
Creating control visual
Creating custom colors with distinct colors
Creating custom colors with gradient percentages
Creating custom colors with gradient values
Creating custom filters
Creating dashboard
Creating dataset filters
Creating dataset from data extract
Creating date and time filters
Creating entity segments
Creating events
Creating new administrator accounts
Creating new API keys
Creating new assets
Creating new custom colors
Creating new custom date ranges
Creating new dimension hierarchies
Creating new email jobs
Creating new email templates
Creating new roles
Creating new schedule intervals
Creating new user accounts
Creating new user groups
Creating segments
Creating segments from filter definitions
Creating target visual
Creating users and user groups
Cross tabulation
CSS custom styles
Cumulative option
Cumulative option
CURL data format and API key examples
Currency field display
Current Load
Custom Colors
Custom Dates
Custom field display
Custom Javascript field display
Custom renaming dataset fields
Custom Style Extensions for Javascript and CSS
Custom Styles
Custom workspace
Customization example for multi-page table visuals
Customizing analytic functions
Customizing app background
Customizing calculated display
Customizing dashboard layout
Customizing dashboard style
Customizing date/time functions
Customizing description
Customizing display format
Customizing display format using Javascript
Customizing download settings for dashboards
Customizing enter/edit expressions
Customizing general settings for dashboards
Customizing logo for apps
Customizing map server
Customizing menu bar style for applications
Customizing menu text for apps
Customizing order and top K
Customizing output parameters
Customizing settings
Customizing visual colors
Customizing visual style
Daily Usage
Dashboard background color
Dashboard Designer
Dashboard filter styles
Dashboard page background color
Dashboard shadow
Dashboard subtitles alignment
Dashboard subtitles background color
Dashboard subtitles font family
Dashboard subtitles font size
Dashboard subtitles styles
Dashboard subtitles text color
Dashboard text color
Dashboard titles alignment
Dashboard titles background color
Dashboard titles font family
Dashboard titles font size
Dashboard titles font weight
Dashboard titles styles
Dashboard titles text color
Data API
Data API
Data API request payload
Data API response payload
Data compatibility
Data connections
Data Discovery with Context Menus
Data extracts
Data for visuals
Data joins
Data modeling
Data range
Data type details
Data Visualization in Cloudera
Date/time formats
Debugging and logs
December 10, 2021
December 15, 2020
December 17, 2021 - CVE-2021-44228
December 3, 2020
Defining additional derived data
Defining derived data
Defining groups for teams and access levels
Defining site-wide custom styles
Deleting a dashboard
Deleting a data connection
Deleting a data extract
Deleting a dataset
Deleting a join
Deleting a sheet
Deleting a visual
Deleting a workspace
Deleting an app
Deleting an existing asset
Deleting API keys
Deleting custom colors
Deleting custom date ranges
Deleting derived data definitions
Deleting dimension hierarchies
Deleting email templates
Deleting events
Deleting individual user accounts
Deleting job logs
Deleting roles
Deleting schedule intervals
Deleting scheduled jobs
Deleting segments
Deleting several user accounts
Deleting site-wide custom styles
Deleting user accounts
Deleting user groups
Dense rank analytic function
Deploying Cloudera Data Visualization
Deploying Cloudera Data Visualization in Cloudera AI
Deploying Cloudera Data Visualization in Cloudera AI
Deploying Cloudera Data Visualization in Cloudera Data Science Workbench
Deploying Cloudera Data Visualization in Cloudera Data Science Workbench
Deploying Cloudera Data Visualization in Cloudera Data Warehouse
Deploying Cloudera Data Visualization in Cloudera Data Warehouse
Derived data
Difference from next value analytic function
Difference from previous value analytic function
Dimension hierarchies
Direct Access
Disabling incremental queries
Discovering Connection Explorer
Discovering detailed data behind a visual
Display format reference
Display Formats
Displaying a linear trendline
Displaying a textbox parameter
Displaying a visual in full screen
Displaying area legend
Displaying axis ticks
Displaying bubbles on maps
Displaying circles
Displaying cluster
Displaying color legend
Displaying context menus in visuals
Displaying distinct parameters
Displaying filter selections for each visual
Displaying first measure as main indicator
Displaying gauge line on qualitative arc
Displaying gauge needle
Displaying heatmap
Displaying legend in choropleth map
Displaying NULL rows
Displaying subtotals and totals
Displaying title for subtotal rows
Displaying tooltips
Displaying totals with data expansion
Displaying trellis borders
Downloading a dashboard
Downloading a sheet
Downloading a visual as PDF file
Downloading a visual as PNG file
Downloading all sheets as PDF
Downloading all sheets as PDF
Downloading current sheet as PDF
Downloading current sheet as PDF
Downloading current sheet with one visual per page as PDF
Downloading current sheet with one visual per page as PDF
Downloading dashboard as PDF
Downloading dashboard as PNG
Downloading dashboard as PNG
Downloading query results
Downloading visual data to CSV file
Downloading visual data to Excel file
Downloading visuals
Downloads settings
Drill-down and drill-up data discovery
Drill-into data discovery
Drill-through data discovery
Drop off color
Duplicating an item
Dynamically sizing graph
Editing a data connection
Editing a data extract
Editing a workspace
Editing accounts
Editing and deleting Cloudera Data Visualization instances
Editing custom colors
Editing dataset fields
Editing datasets based on a SQL query
Editing events
Editing jobs
Editing join details
Editing role assignments
Editing schedule intervals
Editing segments
Editing URL aliases
Editing user groups
Email design best practices
Email development best practices
Email Development Recommendations
Email Job Parameters
Email Templates
Emailing a dashboard
Emailing a visual
Emailing sheets
Embedding a dashboard without header
Embedding a jobs status page without header
Embedding apps with client pages
Embedding apps with trusted authentication
Embedding apps with unauthenticated access
Enabling a dataset for NLS
Enabling admin API support
Enabling animations
Enabling animations
Enabling API keys
Enabling Click Receive on target visual
Enabling continuous axis for date/time values
Enabling continuous axis on dimensions
Enabling continuous X axis
Enabling continuous Y axis
Enabling CSV download
Enabling CSV/Excel download for dashboard visuals
Enabling Data APIs
Enabling Drill Into data discovery
Enabling email for a dashboard
Enabling Excel download in visuals
Enabling expansion
Enabling gridlines
Enabling headers/footers when printing in PDF
Enabling independent axis scale
Enabling LDAP authentication
Enabling manual refresh of visuals
Enabling navigation from logo
Enabling or disabling case sensitive dashboard filters
Enabling pan and zoom
Enabling pins
Enabling PNG and PDF download for dashboards
Enabling quotation marks in CSV download
Enabling routes
Enabling Search in Site Settings
Enabling trusted authentication
Enabling URL links
Enabling viewing data in dashboard visuals
Enabling zoom to active areas
Entering values manually
Enumerated Values
Enumerated values
Example of data API usage
Examples of extensions
Exploring Click behavior
Exploring dashboard filter interaction
Exploring data extract details
Exploring dataset details
Exploring visual options
Export and import
Exporting a dashboard
Exporting a visual
Exporting an app
Exporting with REST APIs
Extension CSS APIs
Extension JS API arcapi functions
Extension JS API endpoints
External link visuals
February 2, 2021
February 26, 2021
Field Properties
Field statistics
Filter associations API
Filter data with the exclude option
Filter data with the include option
Filter scope
Filter Scope
Filter shelves
Filter Shelves
Filter widgets
Filtering all visuals in a dashboard
Filtering by region
Filtering by year
Filtering data with legends
Filtering on an element
Filters and Parameters
Filters controling variable dimensions
Filters controling variable measures
Filters to control optional dimensions
Filters to control optional measures
Finding a dataset
Flipping compare indicator
Font family
Font size
Font weight
Foreground color
Format style table
General settings
Getting dashboard URL
Global search
Grouped bars
Help and support
Hiding borders for filters in dashboards
Hiding dashboard titles
Hiding data and subtotal rows
Hiding dataset fields from applications
Hiding filters
Hiding filters line separator
Hiding the title of a visual
Hierarchical cross tabulation visuals
Hierarchy drill into support on the color shelf
Highlight color
Highlighting elements by hovering over legend
Horizontal bars
How-To Admin APIs
How-To Data APIs
Icons for search types
Ignoring missing date values
Ignoring negative values
Importing a dashboard
Importing a visual
Importing an application
Importing data in CSV format
Importing with REST APIs
Inactivating user accounts
Including null values in date filters
Information on creation date and updates
Inserting images from local machine
Inserting images from static assets
Inserting tables
Inserting URL links
Inserting videos
Interactive maps
Interactive maps, multiple dimensions
Interactive maps, multiple measures
Internet browsers
JavaScript custom styles
Job details
Job runs
Join elimination
July 30, 2021
June 4, 2021
Known issues
Label font size in a visual
Label text color in a visual
Labelled bars
Lat/long map, bubbles
Launching applications
Legend font size in a visual
Limiting drill-into options
Line visuals with dual axes
Lines with dual axes
Link color
Link color menu
Link color shelf
Link legend
Link width shelf
Linking visuals
Logo height
Logo image
Logo left margin
Logo top margin
Logo width
Logs and Usage
Making box plots horizontal
Managing custom colors
Managing custom dates
Managing data connections
Managing static assets
Managing URL aliases
MAP data type
Map options
Map server
Map style
Menu on left
Migrating visual artifacts with REST APIs
Mobile devices
Modifying site-wide custom styles
Monitoring Dashboard Performance
Moving a dashboard
Moving apps between workspaces
Moving average analytic function
Moving dashboards between workspaces
Moving filter widgets
Moving linked visuals
Multiple measure analysis
Natural Language Search
Natural Language Search
Natural language search UI
Next value analytic function
Node color shelves
Node legend
Node size shelves
Nodes color menu
Normalized histograms
Normalized histograms
Notification center
November 8, 2021
October 30, 2020
Older releases
Older releases
Opening a dashboard
Ordering NULL rows
Orienting bars vertically
Overriding visual style settings
Overview of trusted authentication process
Packed bubbles
Parameters for jobs
Pausing and resuming jobs
Percent of group analytic function
Percentage difference from next value analytic function
Percentage difference from previous value analytic function
Permission levels for role-based access
Plotting routes
Pointer color
Prepare and use the dashboard
Prepare source visuals
Prepare target visuals
Preparing Excel files for data import
Previewing data table details
Previous value analytic function
Private workspace
Projection opacity
Promoting a user to administrator
Province map, bubbles
Province map, choropleth
Public workspace
Publishing Datasets
Publishing datasets
Python Admin API data format and response
Quantity prefixes
Rank analytic function
RBAC Permissions
RBAC setup for dataset publishing
Real number
Rearranging dashboards
Rearranging tabs
Receiving Parameters in Dashboards
Refreshing a dataset
Refreshing visuals manually
Release Notes
Remembering location of map
Remembering node positions
Remembering previous selections when searching
Removing a dashboard from a tab
Removing a tab from an application
Removing a visual
Removing default label
Removing levels from the hierarchy
Renaming a sheet
Rendering visuals after filters in dashboards
Reordering sheet IDs
Reordering sheets
Rerunning jobs
Resetting dashboard style
Resetting homepage to default
Resizing images
Restoring a Cloudera Data Visualization version
Restricting columns in datasets based on SQL query
Restricting Row-Level Access
Restricting rows in datasets based on SQL query
Result cache
Retrieving or changing logging level
Reverse color palette of visuals
Reversing axis scale
Reversing legend order
Rich texts
Role privileges
Role-based access control
Routes and pins
Row listing
Row number function
Running a data extract
Running a SQL query
Running total analytic function
Same source and target data values
Saving a table as a dataset based on the query
Saving a table as a logical view
Saving a table as a materialized table
Saving derived data with full context
Saving tables
Schedule intervals
Scheduled jobs
Search bookmarks
Search history
Search results
Search types
Searching custom styles in dashboards
Searching custom styles in visuals
Searching site-wide custom styles
Security and authentication
Security model
Segmenting data qualitatively
Selected color
Selected text color
Selecting a range of dates on filter shelves
Selecting a range of number values on filter shelves
Selecting a string pattern for values on filter shelves
Selecting all values
Selecting discrete values on filter shelves
Selecting end pin type
Selecting map view
Selecting middle pin type
Selecting page orientation for PDF downloads
Selecting page size for PDF downloads
Selecting pin types
Selecting start pin type
Selecting values by using an expression on filter shelves
Sending aggregates as parameters
Sending parameters with dataset scope
Separating histogram columns
Separating trendlines by color
September 30, 2021
Set up your data
Setting a dashboard as homepage
Setting app scope for filters
Setting column label length
Setting concurrency for a data connection
Setting connection privileges
Setting dataset privileges
Setting dataset scope for filters
Setting default homepage for all users
Setting explicit scope for filters
Setting filter associations
Setting maximum row label length
Setting minimum cell size
Setting minimum trellis cell height
Setting minimum trellis cell width
Setting parameters through URL
Setting role privileges
Setting roles
Setting segments
Setting system privileges
Setting the locale for CSV downloads
Setting up a basic visual for aggregates
Setting up a basic visual for single values
Setting up a session
Setting up dynamic external links
Setting warning if query loads for too long
Setting your homepage from a dashboard
Setting your homepage with Set Homepage
Shelves for AI visual
Shelves for areas
Shelves for bars
Shelves for box plots
Shelves for bullets
Shelves for calendar heatmaps
Shelves for chords
Shelves for combos
Shelves for correlation flows
Shelves for correlation heatmaps
Shelves for cross tabulation
Shelves for dendrograms
Shelves for external links
Shelves for gauges
Shelves for grouped bars
Shelves for histograms
Shelves for interactive maps
Shelves for KPIs
Shelves for lines
Shelves for maps
Shelves for networks
Shelves for packed bubbles
Shelves for pies
Shelves for radials
Shelves for row listing visuals
Shelves for scatters
Shelves for sparklines
Shelves for tables
Shelves for timelines
Shelves for treemaps
Shelves for word clouds
Show borders on visuals in dashboards
Showing a selection brush for ranges
Showing adjacent duplicate values
Showing autoplay transition animation
Showing borders around visuals
Showing column page totals
Showing column totals
Showing context menu
Showing cross tabulation column totals
Showing cross tabulation row totals
Showing detail data button in context menu
Showing dimension values on hovering
Showing dimensions as marks
Showing expansion totals above expansion rows
Showing header column
Showing header column borders
Showing header for column page totals
Showing header for column totals
Showing heatmap legend
Showing measure values inside bars
Showing node labels
Showing node labels
Showing or hiding axis
Showing or hiding axis labels
Showing pagination
Showing percentage
Showing percentages as marks
Showing points
Showing row information
Showing same source and target values
Showing table data as HTML
Showing the same source and destination values
Showing usage information
Site configuration
Site Settings
Sorting custom styles in dashboards
Sorting custom styles in visuals
Sorting site-wide custom styles
Specifying a custom icon
Specifying a group for a dataset
Specifying atlas mapbox server for visual
Specifying choropleth layer ID
Specifying choropleth opacity
Specifying default aggregation field for a dataset
Specifying fields for a dataset
Specifying font weight for totals column in cross tabulation
Specifying font weight for totals row in cross tabulation
Specifying geographic fields
Specifying label for percentage
Specifying mapbox key for visual
Specifying maximum number of columns
Specifying number of rows per page
Specifying qualitative range as percentages
Specifying suggested questions for dataset
Specifying synonyms for a dataset
Specifying totals column font weight
Specifying word substitutions for a dataset
SQL for first table
SQL queries
Stacked bars
Standard format specifier
Starting aggregate scale at zero
State map, bubbles
State map, choropleth
Static Assets
Staying at same map location
STRUCT data type
Supported connections
Supported metastores
Supported visual artifacts
Syntax for using parameters
Table and cross tabulation colors
Table styles
Table styles
Terms for aggregation
Terms for basic filters
Terms for comparing data points
Terms for dimension field matching
Terms for ranking
Terms for sorting
Terms for time series
Terms for visual types
Text color
Ticks font size in a visual
Tokenizing input
Tooltip font family in dashboards
Tooltip font size in dashboards
Tooltips in dashboards
Top Tasks
Tracking dataset versions [Technical Preview]
Trellis font size in a visual
Trellis on dimensions
Trellis on measures
Trellised radial
Trellised visuals
Trellised word clouds
Understand the UI
Unlinking visuals
Unlocking account
Upgrading Cloudera Data Visualization
Upgrading Cloudera Data Visualization
URL Aliases
Usage Analytics [Technical Preview]
User impersonation in Cloudera Data Warehouse
User interface
Users and User Groups
Using Advanced Visualization Techniques
Using alias
Using alphabetic values
Using Analytic Functions
Using analytic functions - basic steps
Using API keys
Using Cloudera Data Visualization in air-gapped Cloudera Data Science Workbench deployment
Using Cloudera Data Visualization in Cloudera AI
Using Cloudera Data Visualization in Cloudera Data Science Workbench
Using Cloudera Data Visualization in Cloudera Data Warehouse
Using context menu options
Using custom display configurations
Using custom display formats for large numbers
Using Data Discovery and Visualization
Using derived data
Using filter labels inline
Using Filter Widgets on Dashboards
Using fixed dates mode
Using multi-select mode
Using Natural Language Search
Using parameters with explicit scope
Using quick filters
Using relative dates mode
Using same color for main indicator as arrow
Using Search in embedded mode
Using secondary axis
Using segments in visuals
Using single value mode with radio buttons
Using single value with dropdown menu
Using sparklines
Using the search visual in a dashboard
Using trellis option with areas
Using trellis option with independent scale
Verifying access restriction on a visual
Version control
Viewing an existing asset
Viewing derived data definitions
Viewing field comments in Visual Builder
Visual axes and labels
Visual axes and labels styles in dashboards
Visual basic background color in dashboards
Visual basic font family in dashboards
Visual basic font size in dashboards
Visual basics
Visual basics styles in dashboards
Visual border styles in dashboards
Visual Builder
Visual color palette
Visual label font size in dashboards
Visual label title text color in dashboards
Visual legend font size in dashboards
Visual subtitle alignment in dashboards
Visual subtitle background color in dashboards
Visual subtitle font family in dashboards
Visual subtitle font size in dashboards
Visual subtitle text color in dashboards
Visual subtitles
Visual subtitles styles in dashboard
Visual title alignment in dashboards
Visual title background color in dashboards
Visual title font family in dashboards
Visual title font size in dashboards
Visual title font weight in dashboards
Visual title text color in dashboards
Visual titles
Visual titles styles in dashboard
Visual trellis font size in dashboards
Visual type catalog
Visuals for analytics
Visuals with optional dimensions
Visuals with optional measures
Visuals with variable dimensions
Visuals with variable measures
WebServer Log
WebServer Stats
What is a dashboard?
What is a visual?
What is an application?
What's new
Word cloud
Working with Data
Working with data extracts
Working with data models
Working with data profiling
Working with datasets
Working with Derived Data
Working with Dimension Hierarchies
Working with dimension hierarchies
Working with Events
Working with Legends in Visuals
Working with search visuals
Working with Segments
Working with User Roles
Wrapping column contents
Zipcode map, bubbles
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Customizing basic visual settings
Customizing settings
General settings
Enabling animations
Enabling Drill Into data discovery
Basic visual settings
Bucket count
Normalized histograms
Cumulative option
Downloads settings
Enabling CSV download
Enabling quotation marks in CSV download
Enabling Excel download in visuals
Setting the locale for CSV downloads
Axes for visuals
Changing axis scale
Changing axes scale for radial graphs
Enabling gridlines
Enabling continuous axis for date/time values
Change padding on X axis
Change padding on Y axis
Starting aggregate scale at zero
Changing min/max of aggregate scale
Showing or hiding axis labels
Change dimension text size
Showing or hiding axis
Reversing axis scale
Dynamically sizing graph
Setting maximum row label length
Setting column label length
Enabling continuous X axis
Changing scale of continuous X axis
Enabling continuous Y axis
Changing scale of continuous Y axis
Enabling continuous axis on dimensions
Changing scale of continuous axis on dimensions
Data for visuals
Ordering NULL rows
Changing number of rows to download
Changing maximum number of rows to fetch
Disabling incremental queries
Displaying NULL rows
Enabling URL links
Specifying qualitative range as percentages
Changing link color
Changing link opacity
Changing link width range
Changing link distance
Changing link strength
Adding arrow direction to links
Changing direction arrow size
Adding link legend
Changing links legend name
Map options
Selecting map view
Displaying tooltips
Minimum value in tooltips
Maximum value in tooltips
First value in tooltips
Last value in tooltips
Showing detail data button in context menu
Showing context menu
Showing table data as HTML
Showing adjacent duplicate values
Showing expansion totals above expansion rows
Displaying title for subtotal rows
Adding and removing legend
Changing legend item width
Changing legend width
Reversing legend order
Displaying a linear trendline
Separating trendlines by color
Changing trendline number of decimals
Showing a selection brush for ranges
Showing measure values inside bars
Changing bar size range
Separating histogram columns
Showing dimension values on hovering
Showing points
Ignoring missing date values
Changing line shape
Changing line style
Changing highlight type
Converting line to area visual
Changing highlight of radius
Changing mark size range
Changing transition delay
Showing autoplay transition animation
Showing dimensions as marks
Showing percentages as marks
Changing number of decimals
Changing display to overlap
Showing the same source and destination values
Changing size of chord visual
Displaying bubbles on maps
Changing layout gravity
Changing layout theta
Showing node labels
Tokenizing input
Displaying gauge needle
Displaying gauge line on qualitative arc
Displaying axis ticks
Changing outer width
Changing qualitative thickness
Changing arc gap
Changing arc thickness
Changing label font size
Changing label offset
Changing sublabel font size
Changing sublabel offset
Making box plots horizontal
Changing outline width
Changing font size of main indicator
Changing value of main indicator
Using same color for main indicator as arrow
Displaying first measure as main indicator
Changing compare indicator value
Changing compare indicator position
Changing arrow type
Flipping compare indicator
Changing label indicator position
Changing label indicator font size
Ignoring negative values
Changing approximate tick count
Orienting bars vertically
Removing default label
Staying at same map location
Setting minimum cell size
Remembering node positions
Showing same source and target values
Changing source node mark
Changing target node mark
Changing combined node mark
Changing node size range
Changing node friction
Changing node charge
Changing node opacity
Showing node labels
Adding nodes legend
Changing nodes legend name
Using parameters with explicit scope
Sending parameters with dataset scope
Sending aggregates as parameters
Map server
Customizing map server
Specifying mapbox key for visual
Specifying atlas mapbox server for visual
Map style
Changing map style of visual
Adding custom mapbox style
Specifying choropleth layer ID
Specifying choropleth opacity
Displaying legend in choropleth map
Remembering location of map
Displaying heatmap
Changing heatmap radius
Changing intensity magnification
Showing heatmap legend
Changing visible zoom levels in heatmap
Displaying cluster
Changing cluster color
Changing cluster radius
Displaying circles
Displaying color legend
Displaying area legend
Changing circle radius range
Changing visible zoom levels in circles
Routes and pins
Enabling routes
Enabling pins
Selecting pin types
Selecting start pin type
Selecting middle pin type
Selecting end pin type
Specifying a custom icon
Changing custom icon size
Showing percentage
Specifying label for percentage
Changing number of decimals for percentage
Changing tooltip font size
Changing tooltip font family
Displaying trellis borders
Enabling independent axis scale
Setting minimum trellis cell width
Setting minimum trellis cell height
Enabling pan and zoom
Enabling zoom to active areas
Customizing visual style
Visual basics
Changing font family
Changing font size
Changing background color
Table styles
Changing table templates
Changing cross tabulation header alignment
Adjusting table width
Wrapping column contents
Showing column totals
Showing header for column totals
Showing column page totals
Showing header for column page totals
Specifying totals column font weight
Specifying maximum number of columns
Showing row information
Showing pagination
Specifying number of rows per page
Showing header column
Showing header column borders
Adjusting table column width
Table styles
Adjusting cross tabulation width
Adjusting cross tabulation column width
Changing cross tabulation header font
Changing table header font size
Changing cross tabulation header font weight
Changing cross tabulation cell padding
Changing cross tabulation border width
Showing cross tabulation column totals
Showing cross tabulation row totals
Specifying font weight for totals column in cross tabulation
Specifying font weight for totals row in cross tabulation
Changing cross tabulation header alignment
Changing cross tabulation content alignment
Table and cross tabulation colors
Changing table header background color
Changing table header text color
Changing table odd rows background color
Changing table even rows background color
Changing table odd rows text color
Changing table even rows text color
Changing table border color
Changing totals row background color
Changing totals row text color
Visual titles
Changing font family in the title of a visual
Changing font size in the title of a visual
Changing font weight in the title of a visual
Changing text alignment in the title of a visual
Hiding the title of a visual
Visual subtitles
Changing font family in the subtitle of a visual
Changing font size in the subtitle of a visual
Changing text alignment in the subtitle of a visual
Visual axes and labels
Axis label font size in a visual
Ticks font size in a visual
Label font size in a visual
Label text color in a visual
Trellis font size in a visual
Legend font size in a visual
Changing tooltip font family
Changing tooltip font size
Aggregate row styles
Changing font style in the aggregate row of a visual
Changing font weight in the aggregate row of a visual
Customizing visual colors
Reverse color palette of visuals
Visual color palette
Colors option
Foreground color
Pointer color
Background color
Arrow color
Color opacity on visuals
Link color
Drop off color
Highlight color
Projection opacity
Background opacity
Consistent colors on dimension values
Colors for specified values
Colors for KPI visuals
Adding custom styles to visuals
Adding CSS classes to visuals
Adding included styles to visuals
Searching custom styles in visuals
Sorting custom styles in visuals
Adding inline CSS code to visuals
Customizing basic visual settings
Changing the bucket count
Showing normalized histograms
Using the cumulative option
Parent topic:
Customizing visual settings
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