Configuring date and time for search requirements

To configure date and time settings on datasets in Cloudera Data Visualization, follow the steps below.

  1. On the main navigation bar, click DATA.
  2. In the list of datasets, click the one you want to enable for Natural Language Search (NLS).

    The Dataset Detail page appears.

  3. On the left navigation menu of the Dataset Detail page, click Time Modeling.

Specifying date/time field format for a dataset

On the Time Modeling page, specify the Date/Time Field of the dataset to ensure that Cloudera Data Visualization can correctly interpret and utilize the date/time information for search and analysis.

  1. At the top of the page, click EDIT.
  2. In the Date/Time Field section, select the name of the correct field that contains the date information from the first drop-down list.

    The system groups dataset fields in timestamp or other time formats at the top, under the heading Date Fields.

    In this example, the 'inspection_date' field has been selected.

  3. In the Date/Time Field section, select the appropriate date format mask from the second drop-down list.

    Depending on your location, the masks may have a different format. For example, the two options in this example are YYYY-MM-DD and YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss. In this example, the dataset does not contain the hour, minute, and second information, so the default format YYYY-MM-DD is kept.

  4. Click SAVE to apply your changes..

Specifying default time interval in dataset

On the Time Modeling page, specify the default time interval for data aggregation and analysis to ensure that time-based filters, visualizations, and searches are applied consistently across the dataset, based on the selected interval.

  1. In the Date/Time Field section, click the third drop-down list for Default Interval.
  2. From the options provided, select the appropriate interval for analyzing metric trends.

    Depending on your location, you may have different options. For example: Month, Quarter, or Year.

  3. Click SAVE to confirm your selection.