Receiving Parameters in DashboardsPDF version

Creating filters to control variable measures

Before starting this work flow, complete the steps in Creating visuals with variable measures.
  1. In the dashboard, click the Filters tab.
  3. This creates a new filter in the filter area of the application, and opens the Settings modal window for that filter.
  4. Switch to Values tab and enter the following:
    • Under Title, enter Population Type.
    • Under Output Parameter, enter agg. Note that this is the parameter from Creating visuals with variable measures.
    • Under Specified values, enter the following two rows:
      • Value: sum(tot_pop), Label: Total Population
      • Value: sum(tot_male), Label: Total Male Population
      • Value: sum(tot_female), Label: Total Female Population

      Note that these are the original field names in the source table.

  5. Switch to the Display Settings tab and select the options Allow only one item to be selected at a time.
  6. Click APPLY.
  7. Save the dashboard.
  8. Switch to dashboard View mode.
  9. In the Population Type filter, select Total Female Population.
    Note that the title of the graph and the vertical axis changed to include sum(tot_female).
  10. To check the parameters of the dashboard, hover the pointer over the Filter icon at the top right corner.

    They are agg: sum(tot_female), agg.alias: Total Female Population and dim: Stname. You can scroll down to see the dim.alias: State parameter.

You can now operate the two filters, Dimension Level and Population Type, independently.

You can also navigate between the permutations of filter outputs you create by using filter navigation controls at the top right corner.