Job logs

Job logs in Cloudera Data Visualization (CDV) contain essential information about the completed job runs, including input data used, duration of operation, outcome or result, and any error logs encountered during the process.

You can open the Jobs interface by clicking Job Status from the Administration menu. The interface opens on the Job Logs tab by default. This tab provides information about the most recent instance of each existing job. For more comprehensive information on a job log or to view additional previous runs for a specific job, navigate to the Job Detail Page by clicking the name of the job.

  1. Filters are available for job logs based on Target, Type, Status, Owner, and Start Time Date Range. These filters allow for efficient navigation through the logs.

  2. The Status of a job can be one of the following: Pending, Running, Finished, Error, or Cancelled.

  3. Job ID is a unique identifier for each job, shared between the Scheduled Jobs and Job Logs tabs for easy debugging.

  4. Log ID is a unique identifier for each job log entry. Unlike the Job ID, which remains the same for every instance of the same job, the Log ID will be unique for each run.

  5. Target specifies the target of the job. Currently, the supported targets include Email and Data Extract.
  6. Type specifies the method in which the job is repeated. It can be:
    • Adhoc – initiated manually
    • Scheduled – running automatically at specified intervals
    • Threshold – triggered when specific conditions or thresholds are met
  7. Name is the name of the job.

  8. Details provide additional information such as threshold details (if applicable), email recipients, and schedule type.

  9. Owner identifies the user who created the job. For more information, see Changing the owner of a job.

  10. Start Time is the timestamp indicating when a job commenced, displayed in local time.

  11. Total Run Time shows the approximate duration of the query run.

  12. Actions:
    • Details opens the information module of the job log.
    • More info opens the Job Details page.
    • Run Now initiates a rerun of the job.
    • Cancel terminates the running job. It is only available for running jobs.
  13. Selection for bulk actions: There is a checkbox at the end of each job log entry, facilitating bulk deletion or rerun operations. Additionally, the checkbox on the header row allows for selecting all job logs for an action.

  14. DELETE SELECTED performs a delete on all selected jobs.

  15. RUN NOW reruns all selected jobs.