Customizing date/time functions

Data Visualization has several built-in transformations for date and time that can be applied before rendering visual charts.

To use a date and time functions, follow these steps:
  1. Click the field you plan to modify, to open the Field Properties menu.
  2. Under Field Properties, click to expand the Date/Time Functions menu.
  3. From the Date/Time Functions menu, select one of the options.
    • Date
    • Year
    • Month
    • Year and Month
    • Year and Quarter
    • Day of Month
    • Day of Year
    • Day of Week (numeric, starting with Sunday)
    • Day of Week (numeric, starting with Monday)
    • Display as Day of Week (Mon - Sun)
    • Display as Day of Week (Monday - Sunday)
    • Display as Day of Week (Sun - Sat)
    • Display as Day of Week (Sunday - Saturday)

    A check mark precedes the selected aggregate function.

  4. Click Refresh Visual to see the changes.