DashboardsPDF version

Moving a dashboard

If you have a dashboard in a development workspace (it can be your private or a custom workspace), you can move it to a public workspace so that everyone across the organization can access the analytical insights that the dashboard provides. Depending on your needs and your Cloudera Data Visualization installation, you can also designate the public workspace as the collection of customer-facing dashboards.

Cloudera Data Visualization utilizes Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) permissions to govern access to functionalities in the system. Administrators or users with Additional system privilege can move dashboards and apps to any workspace, including private ones.

When the dashboard you are moving contains a linked visual that is used by another dashboard in the workspace, you have two options: to clone it or to move it. For more information on what happens in each case, see the following diagram. In this example, dashboard 2 is moved from WORKSPACE I (private) to WORKSPACE II (public). Visual c is a linked visual, used by both dashboard 2 and dashboard 3.