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Enabling independent axis scale

Cloudera Data Visualization lets you apply independent axis to trellised visuals. Trellis charts are very powerful visualization tools. However, they do not work well when one trellis partition contains values that are several orders of magnitude larger than in other trellis partitions. The charts that represent segments with smaller values are very difficult to interpret. You can mitigate this problem by enabling independent axis.
  1. On the right side of Visual Designer, click Settings.
  2. In the Settings menu, click Trellis.
  3. To enable independent axis scale, select the relevant option.

    Depending on the type of visual, this option may appear as one of:

    Independent Dimension Scale

    For Bar, Lines, Areas, Grouped Bars, and Box Plot visuals, to make dimension scale independent, navigate to the Trellis menu, and select Independent Dimension Scale.

    Independent Measure Scale

    For Box Plot visual, to make the measure scale independent, navigate to the Trellis menu, and select Independent Measure Scale.

    Independent Aggregate Scale

    For Bar, Lines, Areas, and Grouped Bars visuals, to make the aggregate scale independent, navigate to the Trellis menu, and select Independent Aggregate Scale.

    Independent X Scale
    Independent Y Scale

    For Scatter and Histogram visuals, to make the X and/or Y scales independent, navigate to the Trellis menu, and select Independent X Scale and/or Independent Y Scale.

    Scale independently across trellis

    For Gauge and Bullet visuals, to scale independently across trellis, navigate to the Trellis menu, and select Scale independently across trellis.

    Independent scales

    For Map visual, to scale independently across trellis, navigate to the Trellis menu, and select Independent scales.

    Independent date scale

    For Calendar Heatmap visual, to make the date scale independent, navigate to the Trellis menu, and select Independent date scale.

    To learn how to make scales independent, see Trellis option with independent scale.