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Saving a table as a dataset based on the query

Cloudera Data Visualization allows you to save a query result as a separate dataset. Unlike a logical view, which is created on the server, this method uses the current query as the basis for the dataset. This feature is particularly useful when working with subsets of data, specific sections, or when constructing datasets with self-joins.

You have a table visual that you want to save as a dataset.
  1. Add the necessary fields on the table shelves, and apply functions, for example sort, order, alias, or filters.
  2. On the top right menu, click the (ellipsis) icon and select Save Table from the menu.
  3. In the Create a Table or Dataset modal window, fill out these fields:
    1. Choose Dataset from query for Type.
    2. Enter the name of the new dataset.
    3. Optional: In the SQL for dataset creation field, you can edit the SQL expression used for creating the dataset.
    4. Click CREATE.

    A success confirmation modal appears, with a link to the new default visual on the new dataset.

  4. Click the link to open a new default visual on the new dataset, in Edit mode.